Supervise the pre-installation planning for retrofit works

Business Sectors (Suites): Construction Site Supervision
Developed by: Construction Skills
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about supervising the pre-installation planning for retrofit works by supervising the workforce to conduct pre installation checks, reviewing information sources, implementing the project programming and planning of works to include a selection of resources in accordance with organisational requirements which are equal to or exceed current statutory and legislative requirements

This standard is for people working in the occupational area of construction site supervision which is defined as the supervision of multiple construction trades and disciplines and can be used by operatives, supervisors and managers

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1      supervise the workforce to conduct pre-installation checks in
          accordance with organisational requirements for at least six of the
          1.1      accuracy and completeness of project information
          1.2      building condition
          1.3      health and safety hazards
          1.4      fire safety
          1.5      temporary works
          1.6      protection of existing fabric and services
          1.7      suitability of materials
          1.8      working in and around buildings and their occupants and
                     neighbouring properties
          1.9      environment and ecology including but not limited to
                     safeguarding protected species
          1.10    heritage significance
          1.11    discovery architectural and archaeological features

P2      supervise the workforce to conduct external and internal
          pre-installation building inspections, and report findings to the
          person responsible for at least eight of the following:
          2.1      suitable access
          2.2      property suitability
          2.3      adjoining structures
          2.4      structural integrity
          2.5      hazardous materials
          2.6      dampness
          2.7      decay
          2.8      exposure ratings
          2.9      combustion appliances, flues and ventilation
          2.10    services (gas, electric, water, media cables)

P3      supervise control measures against identified risks arising from
          external and internal pre-installation building inspections for at
          least eight of the following:
          3.1      suitable access
          3.2      property suitability
          3.3      adjoining structures
          3.4      structural integrity
          3.5      hazardous materials
          3.6      dampness
          3.7      decay
          3.8      exposure ratings 
          3.9      combustion appliances, flues and ventilation
          3.10    services (gas, electric, water, media cables)

P4      supervise control measures against identified technical and
          procedural risks for at least eight of the following:
          4.1      accuracy and completeness of project information
          4.2      building condition
          4.3      health and safety hazards
          4.4      fire safety
          4.5      temporary works
          4.6      protection of existing fabric and services
          4.7      suitability of materials
          4.8      working in and around buildings and their occupants
                     and neighbouring properties
          4.9      environment and ecology including but not limited to
                     safeguarding protected species
          4.10    heritage significance
          4.11    discovery of architectural or archaeological features

P5      interpret and utilise information sources against on-site
          conditions to contribute to the retrofit works plan, risk
          assessments and method statements for at least four of
          the following:
          5.1      drawings, design and specification information
          5.2      building performance criteria to industry standards
          5.3      manufacturers' technical information and product data
          5.4      sub-contractor methods and scope of works
          5.5      surveys
          5.6      tests
          5.7      examinations
          5.8      specialist reports
          5.9      statutory consents
          5.10    current legislation, official and technical guidance
          5.11    written scheme of investigation (WSI) for archaeology

P6      report issues with the planned retrofit works and suggest
          corrective actions for at least six of the following information
          6.1      risk assessments
          6.2      method statements
          6.3      drawings, design and specification information
          6.4      building performance criteria to industry standards
          6.5      manufacturers' technical information and product data
          6.6      sub-contractor methods and scope of works
          6.7      surveys
          6.8      tests
          6.9      examinations
          6.10    specialist reports
          6.11    statutory consents
          6.12    current legislation, official and technical guidance
          6.13    the limitations, defects of the materials and their
          6.14    written scheme of investigation (WSI) for archaeology

P7      assess the project programme and contribute to the planning and
          sequencing of works for the installation of retrofit works for at
          least five of the following:
          7.1      repair
          7.2      stabilisation
          7.3      temporary works
          7.4      opening-up and investigations
          7.5      removal of fabric, structure or services, and making good
          7.6      preparing the building for installation of fabric measures
          7.7      installation of fabric, structure or services
          7.8      testing
          7.9      commissioning
          7.10    handover

P8      contribute to the planning for the efficient use of the
          resources required for retrofit works, for at least four of the
          8.1      materials and components
          8.2      services
          8.3      plant, equipment or machinery
          8.4      workforce
          8.5      information
          8.6      site facilities
          8.7      waste management
          8.8      structures
          8.9      storage of materials within specified parameters

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Performance Criteria 1
Supervise pre-installation checks
K1      why pre-installation checks, in accordance with organisational
          requirements, are necessary and how to supervise them

K2      why accuracy and completeness of project information is
          required, and how to determine these

K3      the implications of building conditions and common building
          defects for retrofit works including but not limited to:
          K3.1      moisture ingress including but not limited to: damp,
                       salts and causes of dampness, rain penetration, rising
          K3.2      internal moisture vapour
          K3.3      poor indoor air quality 
          K3.4      inadequate ventilation
          K3.5      existing and damaged services
          K3.6      structural defects

K4      the importance of building condition and repair and
          maintenance as the first stage in energy efficiency improvements

K5      specific health and safety hazards including but not limited to
          failure of fire safety systems, poor ventilation for the
          workforce (roof space, inside the property and under floor) and

K6      how to supervise temporary works as required during
          retrofit works

K7      why protection of existing fabric and services is required and
          how to do this

K8      the difference in performance characteristics between traditional
          and modern materials and construction methods with particular
          reference to the breathability and permeability characteristics of
          traditional building fabric

K9      why identifying building materials and construction methods
          for buildings of different ages including alterations and additions
          is required and how to do this

K10    the materials proposed are suitable and in sufficient quantity
          to achieve the design outcomes

K11    how to work in and around buildings and their occupants
          including neighbouring properties and site constraints

K12    the potential environmental and ecological impacts of retrofit
          works and how to respond including but not limited to
          safeguarding protected species

K13    key terms and concepts including heritage values, heritage
          significance, heritage impact assessment, sustainable
          development and management of traditional and historic
          buildings and structures

K14    legislation and official guidance specific to heritage, traditional
          and protected buildings

K15    why reporting the discovery of architectural or archaeological
          features to the person responsible is required and how to do

Performance Criteria 2
Supervise pre-installation building inspections
K16    why the supervision of the workforce to conduct external and
          internal pre-installation building inspections, and report
          findings to the person responsible is required

K17    how to supervise the workforce to conduct external and
          internal pre-installation building inspections and report to the
          person responsible for the following: 
          K17.1    suitable access
          K17.2    property suitability
          K17.3    adjoining structures
          K17.4    structural integrity
          K17.5    hazardous materials
          K17.6    dampness
          K17.7    decay
          K17.8    exposure ratings
          K17.9    combustion appliances, flues and ventilation
          K17.10  services (gas, electric, water, media cables)
          K17.11  invasive species

K18    how to identify and respond to hazards including hazardous
          materials, fire safety, and flues and ventilation (incorrectly
          installed, blocked, damaged and insufficient)

Performance Criteria 3
Supervise control measures against identified risks from pre-installation building inspections
K19    why supervision of control measures against identified risks
          arising from external and internal pre-installation building
          inspections is required

K20    how to supervise control measures against identified risks
          arising from external and internal pre-installation building
          inspections for the following:
          K20.1    suitable access
          K20.2    property suitability
          K20.3    adjoining structures
          K20.4    structural integrity
          K20.5    hazardous materials
          K20.6    dampness
          K20.7    decay 
          K20.8    exposure ratings 
          K20.9    combustion appliances, flues and ventilation
          K20.10  services (gas, electric, water, media cables)
          K20.11  invasive species

K21    how to recognise, record and report the key issues from external
          and internal pre-installation building inspections that may
          affect the commencement of the work whilst working within
          your authority to rectify or suspend works

Performance Criteria 4
Supervise control measures against risks
K22    why the supervision of control measures against identified
          technical and procedural risks are required

K23    how to supervise control measures against identified
          technical and procedural risks for the following:
          K23.1    accuracy and completeness of project information 
          K23.2    building condition
          K23.3    health and safety hazards
          K23.4    fire safety
          K23.5    temporary works 
          K23.6    protection of existing fabric and services
          K23.7    suitability of materials
          K23.8    working in and around buildings and their
                       occupants and neighbouring properties 
          K23.9    environment and ecology including but not limited
                       to safeguarding protected species
          K23.10  heritage significance
          K23.11  discovery of architectural and archaeological

K24    how to apply the principles of fire safety legislation and guidance
          relating to the retrofit installation and use of the building

K25    how to supervise the work onsite using any statutory or
          manufacturers requirements for testing and maintaining fire
          prevention and protection systems and records

K26    how to recognise, record and report the key issues from technical
          and procedural risks that may affect the commencement of
          the work whilst working within your authority to rectify or suspend

Performance Criteria 5
Interpret and utilise information sources
K27    why the interpretation and utilisation of information sources
          against on-site conditions to contribute to the retrofit works plan,
          risk assessments and method statements are required for the
          K27.1    drawings, design and specification information
          K27.2    building performance criteria to industry standards
          K27.3    manufacturers' technical information and product data
          K27.4    sub-contractor methods and scope of works
          K27.5    surveys
          K27.6    tests
          K27.7    examinations
          K27.8    specialist reports
          K27.9    statutory consents
          K27.10  current legislation, official and technical guidance
          K27.11  written scheme of investigation (WSI) for archaeology

K28    how to interpret and utilise information sources against on-site
          conditions to contribute to the retrofit works plan, risk
          assessments and method statements for the following:
          K28.1    drawings, design and specification information
          K28.2    building performance criteria to industry standards
          K28.3    manufacturers' technical information and product data
          K28.4    sub-contractor methods and scope of works
          K28.5    surveys
          K28.6    tests
          K28.7    examinations
          K28.8    specialist reports
          K28.9    statutory consents
          K28.10  current legislation, official and technical guidance
          K28.11  written scheme of investigation (WSI) for archaeology

K29    why compliance with relevant legal duties and fire safety
          standards during the construction phase of retrofit works is
          required and how to do this

K30    why documented information for fire safety including advising and
          sharing information with the person responsible is required

Performance Criteria 6
Report issues and suggest corrective actions
K31    why it is important to report issues with the planned retrofit works,
          and suggest corrective actions

K32    how to report issues with the retrofit works and suggest
          corrective actions for the following:
          K32.1    risk assessments
          K32.2    method statements
          K32.3    drawings, design and specification information
          K32.4    building performance criteria to industry standards
          K32.5    manufacturers' technical information and product data
          K32.6    sub-contractor methods and scope of works
          K32.7    surveys
          K32.8    tests
          K32.9    examinations
          K32.10  specialist reports
          K32.11  statutory consents
          K32.12  current legislation, official and technical guidance
          K32.13  the limitations, defects of the materials and their
          K32.14  written scheme of investigation (WSI) for archaeology

Performance Criteria 7**
Assessing the project programme, planning and sequencing of works
K33    why it is required, and how to assess the project programme for
          working on and around existing buildings and structures

K34    why it is required and how to contribute to the planning and
          sequencing of works for the installation of retrofit works for
          the following:
          K34.1    repair
          K34.2    stabilisation
          K34.3    temporary works
          K34.4    opening-up and investigations
          K34.5    removal of fabric, structure or services, and making
          K34.6    preparing the building for installation of fabric
          K34.7    installation of fabric, structure or services
          K34.8    testing
          K34.9    commissioning
          K34.10  handover

K35    how to produce method statements for working on and around
          existing buildings and structures

K36    why avoiding potential thermal and hygrothermal performance
          risks of failure is required, and how to do this through
          planning and sequencing of works including but not limited to:
          K36.1    thermal bridges
          K36.2    ventilation
          K36.3    thermal bypass
          K36.4    condensation and interstitial condensation
          K36.5    alterations in structure including materials, components
                       and the building
          K36.6    moisture movement
          K36.7    optimisation of heating systems

K37    the implications to planning and sequencing of offsite
          construction methods and onsite assembly

Performance Criteria 8
Contribute to the planning for the resources required
K38    why it is required, and how to plan the efficient use of resources
          for retrofit works:
          K38.1    materials and components
          K38.2    services
          K38.3    plant, equipment or machinery
          K38.4    workforce
          K38.5    information
          K38.6    site facilities
          K38.7    waste management
          K38.8    structures
          K38.9    storage of materials within specified parameters

K39    how to recognise and determine when specialist skills and
          knowledge are required and how to resource accordingly
          including but not limited to:
          K39.1    electrical
          K39.2    gas
          K39.3    asbestos
          K39.4    radon
          K39.5    heritage
          K39.6    ecology
          K39.7    ventilation
          K39.8    fire safety


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


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Originating Organisation


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Relevant Occupations

Building Trades, Construction Supervisor

SOC Code



Retrofit; retrofit works; retrofit measures; pre-installation; planning;