Encourage problem solving and innovation in a biomanufacturing team

Business Sectors (Suites): Scientific Manufacture
Developed by: Cogent
Approved on: 2017


This standard identifies the competences you need to encourage and support the identification and practical implementation of ideas from your biomanufacturing team, in accordance with approved procedures. You are required to motivate and support them to achieve the objectives of the team and their personal work objectives. You will be required to work to the relevant standard operating procedures, legislation and organisational policy, and to follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). You will be required to present records and details of your laboratory work to the appropriate people.

You will be required to think creatively with your team, and to set and agree individual objectives. You will help them solve technical problems, monitor their progress against the objectives you set, and provide feedback and guidance on
their innovative ideas.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the encouragement of team problem solving and innovative
activities undertaken, and to report any problems with the activities, materials or equipment that you cannot personally resolve, or that are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people.

Your underpinning knowledge will be sufficient to provide a sound basis for your work, and will enable you to adopt an informed approach to biomanufacturing procedures for the introduction of new ideas.

You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the biomanufacturing activities for scientific operations and processes. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout, and will understand your responsibility for taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace.

This activity is likely to be undertaken by someone whose work role carries out Science/Bio manufacturing work activities. This could include individuals working in the following industries, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Life Science industries.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​P1 ensure that your work is carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures
P2 wear the appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) when working in the biomanufacturing environment
P3 motivate members of your biomanufacturing team to identify ideas for new products/services and process improvements
P4 respond enthusiastically to ideas identified by members of your biomanufacturing team, and provide constructive feedback
P5 encourage members of your biomanufacturing team to share, discuss and work together in developing initial ideas
P6 identify and pursue opportunities to work with other biomanufacturing teams to generate and develop ideas
P7 discuss and agree with members of your biomanufacturing team those ideas which should be developed further, how they should be developed
and the required resources
P8 provide ongoing support, encouragement and resources to members of your biomanufacturing team who are developing and testing ideas, and help to remove any identified obstacles
P9 agree the practical implementation of ideas, based on the identified benefits, risks and required resources, when you have the authority to do so
P10 support members of your biomanufacturing team in submitting formal proposals and plans, for the practical implementation of ideas, to other people for approval
P11 oversee practical implementation of ideas by your biomanufacturing team, and monitor and report on progress
P12 encourage and develop the creativity of members of your biomanufacturing team
P13 encourage members of your biomanufacturing team to take acceptable risks in pursuing innovation, and to recognise the value of making and learning from mistakes
P14 ensure that the originators and developers of any ideas which are successfully implemented receive recognition for their achievement
P15 communicate the required information about the work of your biomanufacturing team to authorised people, in accordance with departmental and organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 the health and safety requirements of the area in which you are carrying out the biomanufacturing activities
K2 the implications of not taking account of legislation, regulations, standards and guidelines when conducting biomanufacturing activities
K3 the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) applied in the workplace
K4 the importance of correct identification, and any unique organisational or manufacturing numbers
K5 the lines of communication and responsibilities in your department, and their links with the rest of the organisation
K6 the limits of your own authority and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve
K7 the organisational policy and strategy for innovation
K8 the organisational guidelines and procedures for developing and implementing new ideas
K9 the benefits of innovation to your team, to the overall organisation and to its customers
K10 how to make time available for identifying and developing ideas
K11 how to motivate people to generate and develop ideas
K12 how to provide constructive feedback on ideas to individuals
K13 the importance of good communication for innovation, and how to encourage it across your team
K14 the potential obstacles to creativity, and how they can be minimised
K15 the importance of giving constructive feedback on initial ideas
K16 how initial ideas might be further developed and tested
K17 how to recognise and manage risk in innovation
K18 how to develop formal proposals and plans for the practical implementation of an idea, and how to support others in doing this
K19 how to develop creativity in yourself and others
K20 the resources required for creativity and innovation, particularly time
K21 how to encourage your laboratory to learn from mistakes associated with new ideas
K22 how to recognise the achievements of the originators/developers of ideas which have been successfully implemented.


1. use three of the following types of protective clothing and equipment:
1.1 laboratory coat/overalls
1.2 gloves
1.3 head/hair covers
1.4 safety shoes/shoe covers
1.5 safety glasses/visors
1.6 other (please specify)

2. encourage ideas for all of the following:
2.1 new biomanufacturing products and/or services
2.2 improvements to existing biomanufacturing products and/or services
2.3 improvements to existing biomanufacturing practices, procedures, systems and ways of working

3. encourage problem-solving and innovation, using three of the following:
3.1 force-field analysis
3.2 brainstorming
3.3 cause-effect analysis
3.4 flowcharting analysis
3.5 five `why's analysis
3.6 fault-tree analysis
3.7 mind-mapping
3.8 de Bono's thinking tools
3.9 focus groups
3.10 other (please specify)

4. record and communicate details of work done, to the appropriate people, using:
4.1 verbal report
Plus one method from the following:
4.2 written or typed report
4.3 computer-based record
4.4 specific company documentation
4.5 electronic mail

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Associate Professionals and Technical Occupations, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Science, Science and Engineering Technicians, Science and Mathematics Science

SOC Code



production; team-leading; problem-solving; innovation; encouraging; manufacturing; biomanufacturing; science