Report Environmental Performance in Support of Sustainable Business Practice
This standard would be appropriate for:
1 A manager with responsibility for environmental management or sustainability
2 An owner manager of a business seeking to improve the environmental performance of the organisation
3 An individual with a specific brief to report on environmental performance
4 An environmental management systems co-ordinator or equivalent
5 A consultant providing environmental advice
This standard covers gathering, evaluating and presenting information for inclusion in an environmental report, communication of the report and gaining feedback.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 collect data and information on the organisation’s environmental performance
P2 evaluate the data and information collected
P3 produce reports which include data which is verifiable
P4 prepare reports within the required timescale and present them in a format which is suited to the needs of the reader
P5 confirm that the arrangements for the dissemination of the reports meet
organisational requirements
P6 disseminate the reports in a way which is cost-effective and minimises environmental damage
P7 encourage feedback from interested parties on the report contents and its value
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 organisational systems for reporting and communicating environmental information
K2 the organisation’s interested parties
K3 how to determine to whom the report should be disseminated
K4 how the different interested parties will use the report
K5 how to anticipate and respond to requests for further information and feedback
K6 the role of environmental reporting
K7 the different types of report that include environmental information
K8 the methods and formats available for preparing and presenting reports, both internal and external
K9 how to collect and evaluate data and information on environmental performance
K10 the options for independent validation of reports and when this might be required
K11 how to identify the need for, and access to, additional expertise and information
K12 how to tailor the format of the report for different interested parties
K13 sources of information on environmental reporting good practice and recognised standards for reporting