Contribute to Resource Efficiency in Support of Sustainable Business Practice

Business Sectors (Suites): Sustainable Business Practice
Developed by: Cogent
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about supporting sustainable business practice through the application of resource efficient working practices. It includes being able to work effectively to ensure the efficient use of resources and to minimise waste. In addition, you need to assess your own performance and identify and implement opportunities to improve efficiency. An understanding of the importance of resource efficiency is essential to this standard.
This standard can be applied in support of any functional area within an organisation.

This standard would be appropriate for:
Anyone who has an understanding of the importance of resource efficiency including owner managers within SMEs.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 work effectively according to organisational procedures and production specifications
P2 assess own performance to identify opportunities for improving resource efficiency improvements
P3 report accurately any opportunities to improve the efficiency of resource usage
P4 report promptly and accurately any suspected inefficiency within organisational procedures or production specifications
P5 support the implementation of actions to improve the efficiency of resource usage within limits of own authority
P6 work to actively avoid and minimise waste

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 what is meant by sustainable business practice
K2 organisational sustainability targets and their importance
K3 how organisational procedures and production specifications support sustainable business practice
K4 why resource usage efficiency is important to sustainability in relation to environmental, economic and social factors
K5 how to assess own performance to identify opportunities for improving resource usage efficiency
K6 the importance of reporting any suspected inefficiency within organisational procedures or production specifications
K7 how not working to organisational procedures and production specifications can impact on resource usage and sustainability
K8 opportunities for improving resource usage efficiency
K9 potential sources of waste within area of responsibility
K10 how waste is avoided and minimised through recycling and reuse
K11 how waste minimisation supports sustainability
K12 how the efficient use of resources supports the economic sustainability of the organisation
K13 the social benefits associated with sustainable business practice
K14 individual responsibilities relevant to the development of sustainable business practice


Resource, for example: raw materials, product, packaging, energy, water, transport etc.

Waste: in respect of raw materials, product, by-product, packaging, energy etc.

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Director, Environmental Manager, Farm Manager, Farmer, Technical Staff, Unit Manager

SOC Code



resource; efficiency; sustainable; business; practice