Control Water Usage Efficiency within Sustainable Business Practice

Business Sectors (Suites): Sustainable Business Practice
Developed by: Cogent
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about supporting sustainable business practice through the implementation of programmes to improve water efficiency. It includes being able to understand the importance of water efficiency; establishing and maintaining measures that support water efficiency; informing others of their responsibilities; monitoring work practices and identifying and effectively dealing with any inefficient activities. The standard also requires the application of effective communication techniques. An understanding of the importance of water efficiency, water recycling and reuse is essential to this standard.

This standard would be appropriate for:
Someone who has  responsibility for supporting efficient water usage for a functional area or process within an organisation, including owner managers within SMEs.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 obtain and interpret organisational water usage targets
P2 inform others accurately of their responsibilities in relation to organisational targets that promote efficient water usage
P3 confirm water usage complies with organisational targets, quality
specifications and legal requirements
P4 establish that working practices make efficient use of water
P5 monitor the working practices and evaluate water usage and efficiency
P6 support others to avoid wasting water
P7 encourage others positively to overcome barriers and improve working practices and water efficiency
P8 provide training and development opportunities to improve water efficiency
P9 identify opportunities to encourage others to adopt more water efficient working practices
P10 identify and take action to control any potential sources of water pollution within area of responsibility
P11 develop and communicate recommendations for efficiency improvements to others
P12 present clear recommendations that support the further development of water efficiency, at an appropriate time and with the right level of detail

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 the role of water efficiency in achieving sustainability
K2 the impact of water usage on the environment
K3 how the effective management of water supports sustainable business practices
K4 organisational water quality standards
K5 how legislation impacts on the organisation’s water extraction, usage and disposal
K6 how water is obtained, treated, used and discharged by the organisation
K7 organisational targets for water usage and efficiency
K8 the benefits of efficient water usage to the organisation
K9 how and why water usage is monitored and controlled within area of responsibility
K10 how the effective management and organisation of work can help minimise water usage
K11 how staff training and development can help to maintain the effective utilisation of water
K12 organisational procedures for water extraction, storage, treatment, recycling, reuse and discharge
K13 how to identify and control potential sources of water pollution within area of responsibility
K14 how water usage is controlled and minimised within area of responsibility
K15 how the actions of others can impact on water usage
K16 the barriers that can limit the impact of water management and how these barriers can be overcome
K17 how failure to meet organisational quality specifications can impact on water usage
K18 effective methods of communication for area of responsibility


Barriers can be economic, practical, the personal beliefs and attitudes of people, social or legal

Targets relating to efficient water use, water recycling and reuse

Others can be: colleagues, customers and contractors

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Director, Environmental Manager, Farm Manager, Farmer, Technical Staff, Unit Manager

SOC Code



water; usage; efficiency; sustainable; business; practice