Develop an Awareness of Sustainable Business Practice
This standard is about developing sustainability awareness within an organisation in support of sustainable business practice. It describes the skills and knowledge requirements you need in order to understand the impact of your own activities on the economic, social, ethical and environmental principles that underpin sustainable business practice.
The role described by this standard requires the development of an understanding of how your role impacts on sustainability and how the principles of sustainability impact on your own work activities.
activity is reviewed to determine both positive and negative impacts on sustainability. Actions to address negative impacts need to be implemented in respect to the development of sustainable business practice.
Finally, it requires that ideas for improving sustainable business practice are communicated and shared with others.
This standard would be appropriate for:
Everyone within an organisation, including owner managers within SMEs. Who are required to support and develop sustainable business practices and owner/managers within SMEs.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 identify the principles of sustainable business practice that relate to your own work activities
P2 identify how your working practices impact on the principles of sustainable business practice
P3 review your own work activities to identify where change can have a positive impact on sustainable business practice and negative impacts can be reduced
P4 establish that the actions comply with organisational and legal requirements
P5 determine how actions taken have contributed to a more sustainable business practice
P6 promote the positive impacts of change to others
P7 encourage feedback from others on the actions taken to achieve a more sustainable business practice
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the economic, social and environmental principles that underpin sustainability and sustainable business practice
K2 the legislation, industry standards, circular economy and voluntary codes that affect your work activities
K3 the purpose of organisational sustainability policy and practices
K4 the benefits that sustainable business practice offers your organisation
K5 the importance of sustainable business practice to your own role
K6 how your work activities interact with organisational sustainability policy
K7 the techniques and processes used to identify both positive and negative impacts of work activities
K8 how to recognise actions that can support change and improve sustainable business practice
K9 how to promote the positive impacts of change
K10 how to develop actions that comply with organisational and legal and sustainability requirements
K11 how to determine how your actions have contributed to the development of a more sustainable business practice
K12 how to communicate actions and benefits to others
Principles of sustainable business practice include:
1 economic
2 social and ethical
3 environmental
Impacts relating to:
1 resource usage
2 waste
3 the environment
4 social and ethical considerations
Others include:
1 decision makers
2 organisational colleagues
3 customers
4 suppliers
Actions to be undertaken by:
1 self
2 others