Maintain Sustainable Procurement in Support of Sustainable Business Practice
This standard is about the maintenance of procurement processes in support of sustainable business practice. It ensures that organisational supply chain needs are maintained within the overall social, economic and environmental limits of sustainable business practice.
The role described by this standard requires the maintenance of sustainable procurement processes. It involves monitoring the performance of both suppliers and the procurement process itself against the organisation’s sustainability requirements. The ability to communicate with suppliers is an important part of the standard. It also requires the ability to identify and recommend improvements and to implement risk logs and contingency planning.
Having an understanding of the wider issues that impact on sustainability within the industry/sector will help ensure the effective delivery of the required performance.
This standard would be appropriate for:
Those responsible for implementing sustainable procurement processes to control the supply of products and services for an organisation. It is likely to apply to middle managers within large organisations and owner managers within SMEs.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 initiate procurement processes according to requirements of sustainable procurement specification
P2 maintain organisational procurement according to needs of sustainable procurement specification
P3 collect and record data on supplier sustainability performance
P4 use metrics to monitor procurement against organisational sustainability targets
P5 analyse data to assess supplier performance against sustainable procurement specification
P6 maintain effective on-going communications with suppliers
P7 maintain a risk register in support of procurement
P8 apply contingency plans to correct any identified procurement non-compliance
P9 identify and recommend opportunities for improving sustainability of procurement
P10 report on the contributions that procurement has made to organisational sustainability targets
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the legislation, industry standards, circular economy and voluntary codes that support sustainable procurement
K2 how procurement can support the economic, social and environmental principles of sustainability and sustainable business practice
K3 how the principles of sustainable procurement promote sustainable business practice
K4 the sustainability drivers faced by the organisation and the industry sector within which the organisation operates
K5 the benefits of sustainable procurement
K6 organisational supply chain and procurement requirements
K7 organisational sustainability targets and sustainable procurement criteria
K8 customer product and service requirements
K9 organisational procurement processes and procedures
K10 supplier sustainability performance requirements
K11 how procurement supports sustainable business practice
K12 how to apply metrics
K13 how to determine supplier sustainability performance
K14 opportunities for improving supplier sustainability performance
K15 effective communication techniques
K16 data analysis and review techniques
K17 how to report progress towards sustainability
Procurement specification describing:
1 Procurement processes
2 Procurement procedures
3 Product/service criteria
Supplier sustainability performance relating to:
1 economic
2 social and ethical
3 environmental
Sustainability targets that cover:
1 economics
2 social and ethical issues
3 environmental issues
4 customer product or service requirements
Sustainability drivers include:
1 economic
2 social and ethical
3 environmental
4 resource availability
5 customer and stakeholder perception
6 customer product or service requirements