Lead the Development of Sustainable Business Practice
This standard is about leading improvement programmes that support the development of sustainable business practice. This means developing an organisation that has a positive impact on the global or local environment, community, society or economy. These organisations are those that have progressive environmental and human rights policies and have an on-going commitment to improvement. A sustainable business will recognise its role in its supply chain and will strive to ensure that its sustainability ideals transmit across the whole of its supply chain and are applied to all the products and services on offer.
The role described by this standard covers directing improvement programmes to create sustainable business practice. The ability to encourage and motivate others to effectively implement improvement programmes is an important part of the standard.
The standard requires that current business performance is evaluated and that drivers for change are identified. It also requires that metrics are both identified and used to measure the success of improvement programmes. Improvement programmes should be implemented to ensure that the social, economic and financial principles of sustainability are addressed in support of more sustainable business practice.
This standard would be appropriate for:
Those responsible for directing the creation of more sustainable business practice within an organisation. It is likely to apply to senior managers within large organisations and owner/managers within SMEs.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 review and evaluate the sustainability of current business practice within the organisation and its supply chain
P2 identify sustainability drivers and opportunities for more sustainable business practice
P3 specify the implementation requirements of improvement programmes
P4 specify the metrics to be used to measure improvements in sustainable business practice
P5 plan the implementation of improvement programmes according to organisational requirements
P6 maintain the implementation of improvement programmes according to specified requirements
P7 encourage and motivate others to implement improvement programmes according to specified requirements
P8 use metrics to monitor and report on the performance of improvement programmes on sustainable business practice
P9 take action to correct any shortfalls within improvement programmes
P10 communicate to others the benefits of and improvements in sustainable business practice that have been derived from improvement programmes
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the legislation, industry standards, circular economy and voluntary codes that support the development of sustainable business practice
K2 the economic, social and environmental principles that underpin sustainable development and sustainable business practice
K3 how to integrate and balance the economic, social and environmental principles of sustainability within sustainable business practice
K4 how to review and evaluate the sustainability of business practice
K5 how sustainability drivers are used to form development opportunities
K6 how to specify the requirements of improvement programmes including SMART objectives
K7 the application of metrics in the development of sustainable business practice
K8 the requirements of improvement programmes
K9 the opportunities available to the organisation for improving the sustainability of business practice
K10 improvement programmes and their role in developing sustainable business practice
K11 how organisational sustainability strategy links to improvement programmes
K12 the techniques used to specify, plan and maintain improvement programmes
K13 how to encourage and motivate others to support improvement programmes
K14 types, sources and methods for collecting data in support of improvement programmes
K15 how to monitor and report on the performance of improvement programmes
K16 how to communicate benefits of improvements to others
K17 why it is important to engage with others in the development of sustainable business practice
Sustainability drivers include:
1 legislation
2 compliance
3 government policy
4 organisational sustainability strategy
5 customer perception
6 circular economy
7 economic
8 social and ethical
9 global citizenship
10 environmental
11 innovation
Implementation requirements include:
1 objectives
2 systems and procedures
3 resources (people, finance, technology, knowledge)
Improvement programmes include:
1 innovation
2 procurement
3 environmental management
4 community support
Others include:
1 decision makers
2 organisational colleagues
3 customers
4 suppliers