Carry out routine machine change over

Business Sectors (Suites): Packaging
Developed by: SDS
Approved on: 2012


To perform competently, you will need to demonstrate that you can operate in a range of conditions. You will need to demonstrate therefore that you can deal effectively with the following:  
1 procedures relating to legal requirements and quality standards
2 problems with tools, materials, equipment, components and machine function, packing and line documentation  

3 the operation of mechanical changeover of packing line/ machinery  
This unit deals with the following: 

1 prepare for a routine changeover

2 perform a routine changeover 

3 complete a routine changeover 

4 confirm correct system operation 
During this work you must take account of the relevant worksite operational requirements, procedures and safe working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU. 

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​You must be able to: 

P1 use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) 

P2 obtain information on the nature and extent of the operation to be performed 

P3 obtain promptly authorisation to begin 

P4 obtain the required tools, materials, components and equipment 

P5 identify and replace defective or unsafe tools, components, materials or equipment 

P6 perform correctly off-line assembly 

P7 complete the necessary documentation accurately and legibly 

P8 bring any problems to the attention of the appropriate person 

P9 perform tasks in the specified order according to relevant procedures 

P10 return machines to operational status in accordance with procedures and without unnecessary delays 

P11 return the work area to an operational condition by cleaning and tidying it 

P12 inform the relevant people promptly that the changeover is complete. 

P13 clean and correctly store tools, equipment, components and materials 

P14 remove from the line and correctly store the test packing components 

P15 identify defective or unsafe tools, components, materials or equipment, inform the relevant people and seek replacements 

P16 set up the equipment to operate within the specifications of quality and rate of output 

P17 conduct all the necessary checks to ensure the equipment works safely and efficiently 

P18 run pre-operation trials when in doubt to produce test packs and samples when necessary 

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

​You must be able to: 

K1 which personnel protective equipment (PPE) is appropriate and why 

K2 the next product run and any changes that need to be made 

K3 from whom to obtain authorisation 

K4 which tools, materials, components and equipment are needed and from where to get them 

K5 what constitutes ‘defective’ or ‘unsafe’ 

K6 to whom to report problems and seek replacements 

K7 which change parts are needed and how to check and assemble them 

K8 the correct way to use tools safely and effectively 

K9 which documents are to be completed and when 

K10 what information is needed 

K11 where to obtain the documents and to whom they should be given 

K12 how to inspect change parts for defects 

K13 the methods for dealing with problems 

K14 how to remove parts correctly 

K15 how to fit change parts 

K16 how and when to carry out adjustments 

K17 how to enter settings for new products 

K18 how to complete pre-production testing

K19 the condition in which the work area should be left for next use 

K20 whom to inform and when 

K21 the reasons for any delays and what remedial action was taken
K22 the condition in which tools and materials should be left 

K23 where to store tools, materials and equipment 

K24 where to store test packing components 

K25 which test packing components should be disposed of and how to do so 

K26 the proper condition of equipment, tools and materials 

K27 the reporting procedures for defective equipment 

K28 what are the quality standards 

K29 what are the acceptable tolerance limits 

K30 what are the expected output rates 

K31 which checks should be made and the reasons for them

K32 what you are trying to achieve in terms of the finished item 


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code


Packing, packaging, routine, machine, hand over, change over