Perform operational monitoring of radiological conditions
This standard covers the competence required to perform operational monitoring of radiological conditions existing in a supervised or controlled area and ensuring that the correct radiological conditions are established at all times in accordance with instructions provided.
This Standard deals with the following:
1. Perform operational monitoring of radiological conditions
During this work you must take account of the relevant worksite operational requirements, procedures and safe working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU.
The activity is likely to be undertaken by someone working in a Nuclear Decommissioning environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations and guidelines
P2 use instruments and equipment appropriate to the monitored activity and area in accordance with laid down procedures
P3 establish radiological conditions in accordance with instructions
P4 identify and report any additional monitoring requirements to the relevant people
P5 obtain an accurate assessment of monitoring data and take appropriate action to maintain safe conditions
P6 promptly pack, label and pass substances for further analysis to the relevant people
P7 deal with equipment malfunction during use in accordance with instructions
P8 report monitoring results to the relevant people in a timely manner
P9 seek appropriate specialist advice where own technical limitations are reached
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 equipment operating and care and control procedures
K2 the key features of radiological conditions which need to be established
K3 how to identify any additional monitoring requirements, and to whom they should be reported
K4 the key factors to be taken into account in assessing monitoring data, and typical actions which may result from this
K5 the identification, labelling and packaging requirements for substances for further analysis and to whom they should be passed
K6 the signs of equipment malfunction and how to deal with them
K7 reporting procedures and documentation
K8 how to identify and access sources of specialist advice
K9 the principles of working area demarcation and control
K10 principles of risk minimisation
K11 decontamination techniques
K12 dose measuring equipment/personal dose control
The following terms have a specific meaning in this unit:
Monitoring instruments and equipment
• Radiation monitors
• Contamination monitors
Monitored activity
• Dismantling of plant and equipment
• Packaging and movement of radioactive material
• Construction of structures (i.e. Containments, platforms and scaffolds)
• Decontamination
Relevant people
• Area supervisor
• Line supervisor
• Radiation protection specialists including radiation protection advisers (RPAs), radiation protection supervisors (RPSs) and health physics staff