Carry out planned preventative maintenance procedures on equipment used in nuclear decommissioning
This standard covers the competence required to implement specified procedures for maintaining engineering plant and equipment in accordance with relevant maintenance schedules, in the specified sequence and in an agreed time scale.
This Standard deals with the following:
1. Carry out planned preventative maintenance procedures on equipment used in nuclear decommissioning
During this work you must take account of the relevant worksite operational requirements, procedures and safe working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU.
The activity is likely to be undertaken by someone working in a Nuclear Decommissioning environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations and guidelines
P2 follow the relevant maintenance schedules to carry out the required work
P3 carry out the planned maintenance activities within the limits of your personal authority
P4 carry out the planned maintenance activities in the specified sequence and in an agreed time scale
P5 report any instances where the planned maintenance activities cannot be fully met or where there are identified defects outside the planned schedule
P6 complete relevant planned maintenance records accurately and pass them on to the appropriate person
P7 dispose of waste materials in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 health and safety legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures
K2 the maintenance schedules and related specifications
K3 the maintenance methods and procedures
K4 how to access and use the maintenance records and documentation procedures
K5 equipment operating and care and control procedures
K6 limits of authorisation and ability
K7 reporting lines and procedures
The following terms have a specific meaning in this standard:
• Documentary
• Computer-based