Participate in shutting down equipment in downstream operations
This standard addresses your competence in shutting down equipment.
This standard deals with the following:
1 Preparing to shut down
2 Shutting down equipment
During this work you must take account of the relevant operational
requirements and safe working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU.
This Standard is suitable for those working in the downstream fuel environment.
Previous Version:
Adapted from Unit 7 of Refinery Field Operations NOS – version April 2005
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 obtain appropriate instruction and confirmation for shutdown to proceed
P2 correctly identify equipment and checked status
P3 select, use and care for personal protective
P4 correctly follow procedures for checks and tests
P5 promptly report any abnormality
P6 inform all relevant people
P7 work safely in accordance with operational requirements
P8 inform appropriate personnel that shutdown is imminent
P9 correctly shut down equipment in accordance with specified procedures
P10 identify and report abnormalities
P11 complete all relevant documentation
P12 inform appropriate personnel when shutdown is completed to specified state
P13 work safely in accordance with operational requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 how to access relevant documentation
K2 the function of the equipment to be started in the operation of the plant and process
K3 the properties of the material contained in the equipment
K4 the potential problems and appropriate action to be taken in preparing for shutdown
K5 the effect on the remainder of the plant where the item of equipment is taken out of service
K6 the effect on plant in adjacent areas
K7 the situations when shutdown should not proceed
K8 how to access relevant documentation
K9 the potential problems and appropriate action to be taken if item of equipment is not shut down correctly
K10 the consequences if item of equipment is not isolated correctly
K11 the importance of time taken to shut down and isolate item of equipment to specified state
K12 the operating conditions and parameters