Contributing to the safety of downstream operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Downstream Operations
Developed by: Cogent
Approved on: 2019


​This standard is about your contribution to the safety aspects of working in a processing environment.

This standard deals with the following:

1 Maintain a safe working area
2 Maintain the safety of self and others
3 Protect the environment

During this work you must take account of the relevant operational requirements and safe working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU.

This Standard is suitable for those working in the downstream fuel environment.

Previous Version:

Adapted from Unit 1 of Refinery Field Operations NOS – version April 2005

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​P1 identify safety hazards
P2 take appropriate action on the identification of safety hazards
P3 ensure that safe access to and egress from working areas is maintained at all times
P4 keep all working areas clean and tidy in accordance with site requirements
P5 keep all escape route and access routes to safety equipment, clear at all times              
P6 ensure that only authorised people are allowed access to the work area
P7 return safety equipment and approved tools to designated areas after use and report any defects to the appropriate person
P8 ensure that safety equipment and approved tools are fit for purpose
P9 correctly use all relevant safety equipment and approved tools
P10 correctly use specified PPE in designated areas
P11 access and use additional resources as appropriate
P12 correctly use manual handling methods
P13 advise and consult with appropriate personnel prior to any discharge or emission
P14 ensure that the amount of gas and liquid discharged into flare system is within required limits
P15 ensure that the amount of pollutant discharged into dedicated drainage systems is within required limits
P16 ensure that the level of atmospheric emissions is within required limits
P17 ensure that noise levels are minimised
P18 work safely in accordance with operational requirement

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 how to select, use, maintain and report defects for PPE
K2 your responsibilites and the implications of statutory and organisational requirements
K3 how to interpret operational requirements
K4 the plant layout in the working area
K5 the potential hazards associated with the particular working area
K6 the position of other relevant areas outside the plant
K7 the types of activity occurring, and possible hazards, in areas adjacent to plant
K8 your own responsibilities and duties
K9 the reasons for using and wearing of safety equipment and devices and protective clothing
K10 the procedures for obtaining emergency response  
K11 the safety roles of immediate supervisors, colleagues and safety representatives
K12 the location and position of emergency exits, muster points and emergency equipment
K13 the appropriate responses to fire and gas alarms on adjacent plant
K14 the potential hazards associated with work procedures and the safety precautions required
K15 your duties under current environmental legislation
K16 how to work with and within the Permit to Work system
K17 the appropriate actions to take on the identification of safety hazards
K18 how to keep the working area satisfactorily clean and tidy
K19 the procedures for allowing people in the work area
K20 how to identify and report defects in safety equipment and approved tools
K21 how to ensure that safety equipment and approved tools are fit for purpose
K22 how to identify the need for additional resources and then how to access and use them
K23 how to use approved manual handling methods
K24 the appropriate personnel with whom to consult and advise regarding discharges and emissions
K25 the required limits for discharges and emissions into the environment
K26 how to minimise noise levels
K27 the classification of waste products
K28 the appropriate method of disposal for relevant waste classifications
K29 the need for discharge and emission limits and the implications for exceeding them
K30 how the overall environmental system operates
K31 the operating procedures which have the most potential for environmental impact


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Machinery Operator, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



safety, downstream, operations, safe working, self, others, protect, environment