Facilitate individual learning and development

Business Sectors (Suites): Learning and Development
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about using a range of methods to enable individuals to acquire or improve skills and knowledge and practise their application in context. It also covers providing feedback to learners and encouraging them to reflect on and improve what they do. 

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. establish and maintain a professional relationship with the learner that supports individual learning and reflection 2. explore and agree the learner's objectives, learning needs and goals  3. agree a plan of learning, application and reflection 4. use a range of methods and resources to help the learner acquire/develop the skills and knowledge they need 5. support the learner in applying their learning in context 6. provide constructive and motivational feedback to improve the learner's application of learning 7. assist the learner to reflect on their practice and experience  8. adapt learning, application and reflection techniques to meet further needs 9. maintain the health and safety of the learner, self and other people

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. the organisational, legal and professional requirements that should be followed when planning learning and development programmes 2. the principles, uses and value of learning and development on an individual basis 3. the characteristics of a relationship that supports individual learning, application and reflection 4. aspects of equality and diversity that need to be addressed when facilitating individual learning and development 5. the importance of reflective practice in individual learning and development 6. key factors to consider when setting and agreeing goals with individual learners 7. the range of delivery methods appropriate to individual learning 8. the range of resources, including support from others, that are available to support individual learning 9. how technology can enhance resources and delivery methods for individual learning 10. the range of techniques that can be used to encourage reflective practice by the learner 11. how to support different types of learners in applying new or enhanced learning in context 12. the types of barriers that learners encounter and how to develop strategies to overcome these 13. how to adapt learning plans in response to learner progress and reflection whilst still focusing on learner needs and desired outcomes 14. how to assess and manage risk in own area of work whilst facilitating learning and development for individuals


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Assess and manage risk

This could be a formal and written risk assessment but it could also be informal and dynamic – monitoring and controlling risk on an ongoing basis.


The process applying new or improved skills and knowledge in a real or realistic context, for example a work situation.


Anything that might prevent the learner taking a full part. This could include, for example, lack of confidence or essential skills and knowledge.

Delivery methods

Any method that supports learning and development, for example, presentations, instructions, demonstrations, simulations, opportunities to apply knowledge and practise skills, experiential learning, group/individual projects and research.  This includes use of online tools and apps and/or blended learning.


Acknowledging that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences in, for example, culture, ability, gender, race, religion, wealth, sexual orientation, or any other individual characteristic.


This refers to interim targets or steps towards learners meeting overall outcomes and objectives.

Health and safety

This includes physical health and safety as well as emotional well-being.

Learner objectives

These will usually be performance objectives – for example doing something or doing something better.


Any method that supports individual learning and development, for example, instructions, demonstrations, opportunities to apply knowledge and practise skills, experiential learning, individual projects and research.

Other people

This refers to others who may be involved in, or affected by, the learning activities, for example, staff members, volunteers, assistants or people in the same area.


These could be outcomes for the group as a whole – for example enabling team effectiveness – and/or outcomes for the individuals who make up the group – for example individual skill acquisition.

Reflection/reflective practice

The process of thinking critically about what we do, identifying opportunities for improvement and, where appropriate, further learning needs.


This covers any physical or human resource that supports the learning and development process and could include technical equipment, digital technologies (including online tools and apps), handouts, workbooks, people – for example external speakers – and visits to places of interest.


This includes health and safety risks but may also include, for example, the risk of delivery methods not being appropriate or the setting of unrealistic goals. Risks may be to individual learners, group of learners or to those facilitating.


This refers to both hardware and online tools/apps which can be used in the delivery and assessment of learning programmes.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Lifelong Learning UK

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Direct Learning Support, Education and Training, Public Services Professional, Teaching and Lecturing, Teaching Professionals

SOC Code



collective learning needs, development needs, focus of learning, identify learning needs, learning, learning needs analysis, prioritise learning needs, training needs, learner confidentiality, learning development practitioners