Identify collective learning and development needs

Business Sectors (Suites): Learning and Development
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 28 Jun 2021


This standard is about carrying out a training and learning needs analysis for teams, groups, departments or organisations.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​gain the support and commitment of key stakeholders
  2. identify the aims of the analysis, the information required, and efficient means of data collection
  3. collect sufficient information relevant to the learners and their context to identify learning and development needs
  4. analyse information and data to identify collective learning needs and to inform recommendations
  5. prioritise learning and development needs, indicating the focus and volume of learning required
  6. communicate findings and recommendations to decision makers in ways that will aid their understanding
  7. negotiate any adjustments to findings and recommendations with decision makers
  8. maintain confidentiality agreements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the organisational, legal and professional requirements that should be followed when planning learning and development programmes
  2. the principles that underpin learning needs analysis for teams, groups or organisations
  3. the contribution that learning and development can make to helping teams, groups and organisations achieve their goals and objectives
  4. the types of stakeholders involved in an analysis of collective learning needs and why their support and commitment are important
  5. the types of qualitative and quantitative information required to undertake an analysis of collective learning needs
  6. the importance of collecting and analysing relevant information including: learners’ collective goals and objectives; the impact of change on roles and ways of doing things; the requirements for skills, knowledge, attitudes and competence; learners existing capabilities and potential; and attitudes to learning
  7. sources of information, and efficient data collection methods, including the use of technology
  8. how to analyse qualitative and quantitative data to identify collective learning needs
  9. issues related to equality and diversity that may affect data collection and collective learning needs analysis
  10. issues related to technology and changing work practices that impact on collective learning needs
  11. the issues to consider when prioritising collective learning needs 
  12. how to identify the focus and volume of learning required and the timescales required for implementation
  13. who may be involved in making decisions about findings and recommendations
  14. effective methods of communicating findings and recommendations to decision makers
  15. why a practitioner should use their professional experience and expertise to negotiate with decision makers on findings and recommendations
  16. why confidentiality is important when identifying collective learning needs and how to maintain the confidentiality of data, findings and recommendations


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





**Collective learning needs** The learning needs that a group of learners have in common. Groups in this context could be, for example, whole organisations or teams within organisations. **Diversity** Acknowledging that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences in, for example, culture, ability, gender, race, religion, wealth, sexual orientation, or any other individual characteristic. **Equality** A state of fair treatment that is the right of all people regardless of differences in, for example, culture, ability, gender race, religion, wealth, sexual orientation, or any other group characteristic. **Focus of learning** What it is that needs to be learnt, for example, customer service, managing people or how to use new equipment. **Goals** This refers to interim targets or steps towards learners meeting overall outcomes and objectives. **Organisation** For example, an awarding organisation, internal department or any other organisation involved in learning and development delivery and/or assessment. **Stakeholders** All those who have an interest in the training/learning needs analysis, for example, managers, Human Resource staff, learners themselves. **Sufficient** Enough evidence as specified in Evidence Requirements or Assessment Strategy. **Technology** This refers to both hardware and online tools/apps which can be used in the delivery and assessment of learning programmes.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

31 Mar 2026





Originating Organisation

Lifelong Learning UK

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Direct Learning Support, Education and Training, Public Services Professional, Teaching and Lecturing, Teaching Professionals

SOC Code



collective learning needs, development needs, focus of learning, identify learning needs, learning, learning needs analysis, prioritise learning needs, training needs, learner confidentiality, learning development practitioners