Enable access to future learning and development opportunities
Business Sectors (Suites): Family learning
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on:
30 Mar 2023
This standard is about making sure that participants who want to move on from the learning experience they have had are able to do so. It is about providing information and signposting, but also about making people feel confident that they can move on to other learning opportunities.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- research and maintain up to date information about learning and development opportunities
- ensure that information is available in formats, languages and at a level that is accessible to all participants
- help participants to identify their strengths and interests and previous learning or experience
- recognise and address the barriers which participants may face in accessing future learning and development
- provide support and encouragement for participants selecting future learning and development opportunities
- support participants in making arrangements to access future learning and development
- identify gaps in provision and respond appropriately
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- sources of information on future learning and development opportunities
- the importance of ensuring that quality information is available in a format, language and level that is accessible to participants
- the range of learning and development opportunities that may be available and how to access them
- how to explore the prior learning and experience of participants
- the nature and causes of barriers to learning and ways to address these
- the cultural, linguistic, social, economic, emotional, physical and educational factors which impact on learning experiences throughout life
- the different learning strategies which may be appropriate for adults and children and how to help people to recognise them
- the implications of learning strategies for the way in which adults and children learn
- how to recognise gaps in provision and respond appropriately
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
30 Mar 2028
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Direct Learning Support, Education and Training
SOC Code
Family; Learning; Accessible; Environment; Adults; Children