Take responsibility for the safety and security of participants and environments

Business Sectors (Suites): Family learning
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 2023


This standard is about ensuring that policies and procedures are in place and that staff are appropriately trained to make certain that participants, staff and environments are safe and secure.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Identify and follow  appropriate  organisational policy,  procedures and reporting mechanisms, including the confidentiality of such information. 
  2. Follow appropriate safeguarding policies and procedures including those that enable concerns to be voiced about specific children, young people and/or adults
  3. ensure that systems and procedures are in line with local and national policy, regulatory requirements and current guidance
  4. identify the boundaries of confidentiality before sharing information about children, young people and adults, both internally and externally to your organisation
  5. share information with relevant stakeholders, according to protocols for maintaining confidentiality and using organisational systems and procedures
  6. advise learners that information shared will be handled sensitively and confidentially, in line with safeguarding procedures
  7. identify and access approved training and development opportunities on health and safety, child and vulnerable adult protection and safeguarding procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. local and national policies and legislation relating to child and vulnerable adult protection and safeguarding procedures
  2.  local reporting procedures for child and adult protection
  3. training and development opportunities that are approved by local health or social services , or other organisations responsible for child and adult protection and safeguarding
  4. the importance of having  an agreed  behaviour policy and how to implement this
  5. the importance of sharing information and concerns about children and adults with appropriate stakeholders whilst maintaining confidentiality
  6. the importance of having partnership agreements about confidentiality when sharing information about children and adults with other professionals and organisations


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge






This covers any physical, human or financial resource that supports the family learning process and could include technical equipment, IT-based resources, buildings, sources of specialist knowledge, local assets.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Direct Learning Support, Education and Training

SOC Code


Family; Learning; Accessible; Environment; Adults; Children