Promote a culture that values diversity and difference

Business Sectors (Suites): Family learning
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 2023


This standard is about setting out the expectations for others and acceptable forms of behaviour that do not discriminate or exclude others. It involves providing support to others where it is needed and challenging any behaviour which is discriminatory or oppressive. 

In the context of this standard, language support means the provision of additional support to children and adults who might have multiple language needs. This includes those who might speak a language different to that being used by the group – whatever language that might be.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. make others aware of the importance of following policies and practices which are anti-discriminatory

  2. identify and accommodate adults and children who are likely to have particular needs

  3. encourage and value contributions and interactions from all participants

  4. provide realistic encouragement and positive support to participants in ways that raise their self-esteem and confidence

  5. provide language support for adults and children 

  6. work according to the principles of anti-discriminatory practice and valuing diversity

  7. support  all participants to work within the principles of anti-discriminatory practice and valuing diversity

  8. challenge and resolve behaviour by others which is discriminatory or oppressive

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. legislation relating to anti-discriminatory practice and the implications of this when working with adults and children
  2. local and national sources of information for supporting inclusion, and how these can be accessed
  3. the organisation's policies and practices for promoting inclusion
  4. what is meant by valuing diversity and difference when working with adults and children
  5. how to adopt an open and welcoming approach towards participants that helps them to feel valued    
  6. appropriate way of communicating with adults and children
  7. the different requirements that groups and individuals may have in relation to diversity    
  8. the language support available to children and adults
  9. ways of identifying adults' and children's understanding of issues relating to diversity and inclusion
  10. the benefit of group discussion about similarities and differences between participants
  11. how to help participants avoid stereotyping
  12. ways of challenging others to stop discriminatory or oppressive behaviour 
  13. the changes that could be implemented by practitioners to improve and promote inclusive practice


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Direct Learning Support, Education and Training

SOC Code


Family; Learning; Accessible; Environment; Adults; Children