Establish quality procedures in your area of responsibility for Family Learning
Business Sectors (Suites): Family learning
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on:
This standard is about making sure that everyone in your organisation or project understands that maintaining quality is the only way to deliver the best possible services. It is about the steps which need to be taken to help people to understand the importance of quality in service delivery.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- raise the profile of quality assurance within your area of responsibility
- provide information and advice to colleagues about quality standards, best practice and benchmarks
- obtain feedback as appropriate from participants and other stakeholders on the quality of the service provided
- identify and take steps to address barriers to promoting quality within your area of responsibility
- ensure that all staff are familiar with the quality systems, procedures and importance of addressing issues
- gain the commitment of staff to quality systems and procedures
- develop or introduce self-assessment processes and tools so that staff can measure the quality of service they provide
- support staff in the use of tools for self-assessment, evaluation and review of provision
- involve participants and other relevant people in quality systems
- conduct periodic reviews and evaluations of quality systems to ensure continuing responsiveness to needs
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- relevant quality standards and benchmarks and how they can be obtained
- the inspection and regulation system for your area of work and its legal basis
- your responsibilities for providing a quality service
- the different quality systems and approaches that are available for use and how to select an appropriate system for your work
- why quality is important in the delivery of services
- ways of promoting the benefits of quality assurance in working in Family Learning
- different approaches to self-assessment
- how to select the most appropriate self-assessment tool for your area of work
- how to use self-assessment tools and how to use the measurements obtained
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Family includes any person who has parental responsibility for a child and any other person with whom the child has been living. Each family is unique and can include parents, carers, guardians, grandparents, other relatives, chosen family and of course, children and young people.
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Direct Learning Support, Education and Training
SOC Code
Family; Learning; Accessible; Environment; Adults; Children