Monitor, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the provision
This standard is for career development practitioners.
This standard is about measuring the impact of provision and refining it using user-feedback and other information. It focuses on monitoring, evaluating and improving the provision offer building on strengths and addressing areas for development.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- act in ways that adhere to the ethical practice required within your organisation or profession
- maintain confidentiality and security of individual information that meets relevant legal requirements and organisational policies
- use monitoring and evaluation methods that will provide accurate and useful information and which are relevant to the target group
- collect feedback internally and externally in ways that will encourage honest, open and constructive responses
- analyse and interpret monitoring and evaluation information
- collate and store information in ways that comply with relevant legislation and organisational requirements
- monitor and evaluate provision effectiveness and impact at times and intervals that will provide the most realistic results
- report on and disseminate evaluation results
- identify improvements or modifications to the provision that are supported by evaluation findings and which will benefit the provision
- involve the relevant people in agreeing to or implementing improvements or modifications
- agree clear goals and measurable outcomes for improvements or modifications
- promote inclusivity, diversity and equality of opportunity
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- legal, organisational and policy requirements relevant to your role and the activities being carried out
- relevant ethical principles and codes of professional ethical practice and the consequences of not adhering to them
- the boundaries and limits of own professional expertise
- the boundaries of confidentiality, when it is appropriate to disclose confidential information to others and the processes required
- measures to safeguard young people and vulnerable adults
different sources of information on which to base monitoring and evaluation and their relative merits
the usefulness of feedback and involvement in the co-design of provision
- how to collect and interpret management data and feedback
- how to differentiate between evaluation of quality and impact measurement
- the range of methods that can be used to monitor and evaluate provision effectiveness and measure provision impact
the potential of technology to improve monitoring and evaluation and how to overcome any limitations it presents
which monitoring and evaluation methods to select to obtain the required information
- continuous improvement processes
- the impact of the provision on specific client groups
- how to interpret evaluation results to identify areas for provision improvement
- how to produce and disseminate evaluation results
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Hardware (devices/kit) and online methods/tools/apps which can be used in the delivery and assessment of learning programmes.
The career development activities offered by a team, service, organisation or sector.