Lead and manage career development work
This standard is for career development practitioners.
This standard is about leading and managing career development work in an educational, training or rehabilitation institution, such as a school, college, work- based training provider, university or secure estate, or in a community setting or employing organisation. It relates to leading and managing provision of career development work as appropriate to your role.
The provision of career development work could include careers information, advice and guidance, coaching and career-related learning.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- negotiate with senior leaders and managers on policy, priorities and resources for career development work
- design and plan, individually or with others, an overall programme of career development work
- manage the contributions of staff with responsibilities for delivering elements of career development work
- prepare, manage and account for budgets for career development work
- oversee the establishment, maintenance and development of comprehensive, up to date and accessible careers information provision
- work with staff within the organisation to identify individuals' advice and guidance needs, and refer individuals to advisers working in, and with, the organisation
- negotiate or commission careers information, advice and guidance services from external providers where warranted
- secure effective partnerships with others in own organisation to contribute to the programme of career development work
- secure effective partnerships with employers, education and training providers and other external agencies to contribute to the career development work in the organisation where appropriate
- analyse the training needs of staff involved in career development work
- plan and lead training and briefing sessions for staff and review the impact of training
- review and evaluate the overall provision of career development work in the organisation, using relevant and appropriate quality frameworks
- manage continuous improvement, change and innovation in career development practice within the organisation
- act in ways that adhere to the ethical practice required within your organisation or profession
- challenge any prejudice, use of stereotypes, discrimination and unethical or oppressive behaviour
- encourage individual autonomy in the career development process
- promote inclusivity, diversity and equality of opportunity
- maintain confidentiality and security of individual information that meets relevant legal requirements and organisational policies
- demonstrate understanding of legal requirements, local procedures and on accountability for safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- legal, organisational and policy requirements relevant to your role and the activities being carried out
- relevant ethical principles and codes of professional ethical practice and the consequences of not adhering to them
- the boundaries and limits of own professional expertise
- the boundaries of confidentiality, when it is appropriate to disclose confidential information to others and the processes required
measures to safeguard young people and vulnerable adults
the sources of advice, support and new ideas for career development work
- the main components of career development work
- the range of people, internal and external to the organisation, who could contribute to career development work, and their respective roles
the resources needed to deliver career development work
the sources of careers information
- how to design programmes of work for career-related learning
- the principles of partnership working
- how to prepare a specification for information, advice and guidance provision
- how to commission careers information, advice and guidance provision where appropriate
- the main quality frameworks for career development work
- how to monitor, review and evaluate career development practice
the potential of technology to improve delivery and how to overcome any limitations it presents
how to structure and write a development and improvement plan
- how to analyse staff training needs and identify the most effective approaches to staff training
- how to lead on change management and innovation within the organisation
- how to encourage individuals' ownership of the career development process
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
This covers any physical or human resource that supports the learning and development process and could include technical equipment, digital technologies (including online tools and apps), handouts, workbooks, people – for example external speakers – and visits to places of interest
The career development activities offered by a team, service, organisation or sector.