Develop and prepare resources
This standard is about preparing resources to support learning and development. It covers developing resources `from scratch' as well as adapting and preparing existing resources to meet the needs of learners. It also covers the preparation of resources including the learning environment, learning materials, technology and equipment used to support learning.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the resource needs of learners or groups
- identify resources which are appropriate to the target group and the purpose for which they are required
- develop and prepare resources appropriate to the identified need
- support the development and use of learner-generated resources as appropriate
- adapt resources ensuring they are consistent with learning needs and professional practice
- ensure resources are consistent with legislative, safety, equality and diversity, inclusion and professional guidelines
- check and test the resources to ensure they meet required standards and learner needs
- provide guidance to anyone else who is using the resources
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the factors that need to be considered in the effective preparation and development of learning resources, including those for the learning environment, learning materials and equipment
- the different types of resources that can be used to support learning
- the range of resources available to support different types of needs
- the importance of distinguishing between different user needs and the factors which are important in selecting and developing resources to meet these needs
- how to identify costs and timescales for resource development
- the factors which are important in selecting and developing resources to meet the needs of different learners, taking account of the need for equality and diversity
- how to ensure that the language, style and format of the materials are appropriate to the needs of the learners.
- how to develop simulated exercises that replicate real-life challenges
- how to make adaptations to the learning environment to support the learning process
- how to set-up and use equipment to support learning and development
- the contribution and challenges that technology can make to the learning process
- development and adaptation of different types of resources and the challenges posed by these
- the types of adaptations that could be made to resources to make them more appropriate to learning needs and user requirements
- how to develop guidance for the use of resources and how to encourage consistent application
- the importance of checking and testing resources to make sure they are of the required standard and how to do this effectively
- the legislative, safety and professional guidelines relating to the development and adaptation of resources, including those relating to intellectual property, copyright and patents
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
This covers any physical or human resource that supports the adult learning process and could include technical equipment, IT-based resources, buildings, sources of specialist knowledge, local assets.
This refers to both hardware and online tools/apps which can be used in practice and communication (including social media).