Develop a culture and ethos that promotes inclusion and values diversity
Business Sectors (Suites): Youth Work
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on:
The principles of equity, diversity and interdependence underpin all youth work practice and is one of the values which youth workers are expected to know about and apply in their practice
This standard is about developing a culture and ethos within your organisation which promotes inclusion, equality of opportunity and values diversity. You will work with young people and colleagues to establish and embed a positive culture.
This standard is suitable for all youth work practitioners.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- promote a culture of inclusion, equality and diversity as you carry out your role
- assist young people to develop knowledge, respect and tolerance towards others and outline your organisation's expectations in this regard
- provide young people with information about how to acknowledge any issues or concerns regarding inclusion, equality and the valuing of diversity within the context of your role and how to act on this
- check that young people and colleagues put policies and procedures for equality, diversity and inclusion into practice
- address any instances of oppressive or discriminatory practice or behaviour that you are aware of
- investigate complaints following your organisation's procedures
- seek advice to deal with instances of oppressive or discriminatory behaviour which is outside your experience or limits of responsibility
- check that your organisation's inclusion and diversity policy and practice promotes and supports youth work values
- support young people to reflect on their own values and provide opportunities to test out these values
- meet the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- legal and regulatory requirements, regulations, codes of practice and ethical considerations impacting upon promoting inclusion, equality and the valuing of diversity
- local issues, wider structural inequalities and other factors impacting upon upholding inclusion, equality of opportunity and diversity
- the importance of promoting and motivating young people to develop a culture which promotes inclusion, equality and values diversity and is respectful and tolerant of those with different beliefs, non-beliefs, disability, gender, identity, values, background, other cultures and faiths
- principles and methods used to promote inclusion, equality and the valuing of diversity
- what constitutes oppressive and discriminatory behaviour and ways to tackle it
- your organisation's procedures to deal with complaints about oppressive or discriminatory behaviour
- why it is important to address oppressive or discriminatory behaviour promptly and correctly
- your role and responsibilities in promoting equality and inclusion and valuing diversity with young people and colleagues
- agencies and partners to whom you can refer or get support to promote or embed inclusion, equity and diversity
- why it is important to ensure that inclusion and diversity policy and practice promotes and supports youth work values
- the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
CLD Standards Council
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Youth Workers
SOC Code
Youth; young people; equality; diversity; inclusion; culture; systems; policy; procedure; practice; motivate; discrimination; behaviour; respect; tolerance