Apply youth work values and principles in group work
Business Sectors (Suites): Youth Work
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on:
29 Mar 2019
The importance of equity, diversity and inclusion is one of the values which youth workers are expected to know about and apply when working with groups of young people.
This standard focuses on managing group dynamics in order to facilitate group work with young people. It includes working with young people in a group or individual situation to develop group activities that meet both group and individual needs and preferences.
This standard is suitable for all youth work practitioners.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- explain your role as a facilitator to the group
- discuss and agree with young people the expectations of acceptable behaviour within the group
- help young people and adults to establish groups to carry out youth work activities
- promote the maintenance of positive relationships and the valuing of differences between individual group members and with other groups
- assist young people to give, receive and accept constructive feedback
- use facilitation methods and styles appropriate to the group's stage of development to design group activities
- manage unacceptable behaviour, conflicts and tensions, ensuring that your actions are in line with legislation, policy and procedures
- seek support when actions that need to be taken to support the group are outside the limits of your role and responsibility
- meet your organisation's policy, practice and requirements for recording and reporting group sessions for young people, including incidents that may arise
- meet the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- your role as a facilitator of group dynamics and activities
- why group work is important for developing the skills and confidence of young people
- concepts, theories and contemporary models of group dynamics and how to apply these
- ways to facilitate groups which encourage empowerment and take account of a group's stage of development
- why you must make sure that boundaries of behaviour with the group and its members are set and adhered to
- how to encourage and support young people and adults to establish new groups to facilitate youth work activities in response to an identified need
- methods and interventions used to develop group activities
- why it is important to work with young people in ways which overcome individual and group barriers and encourage them to communicate with and respect each other
- how to recognise behaviours outside agreed boundaries, and the difference between aggressive behaviour and assertiveness
- how the age and stage of development of young people can affect the way in which behaviour is viewed
- the importance of taking into account young people's life experience which may impact upon their current behaviour
- techniques for diverting oppressive behaviour
- ways to provide constructive feedback to groups and their members
- ways of monitoring and evaluating group work and the success of groups
- why it is important for young people to learn to manage their own behaviour and address any conflict positively, individually and in groups
- from whom to seek support when actions need to be taken that are outside the limits of your responsibility
- organisational policies and procedures for recording and reporting group sessions including reporting of the incidents and who reports should be made to
- the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
28 Mar 2022
Originating Organisation
CLD Standards Council
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Youth Workers
SOC Code
Youth; young people; groups; activities; goals; development; learning; reflect; experiences; support; activities; groups; group dynamics; behaviour; conflicts