Explore the concept of values and beliefs with young people

Business Sectors (Suites): Youth Work
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about working with young people to facilitate the exploration of their values and beliefs, in relation to themselves and others.

The exploration of values and beliefs can cover a broad spectrum of topics such as: community, cultural values, discrimination, environment, ethics, faith, global issues, health, ideological beliefs, inter- and intra- group or community conflict, morality, philosophical beliefs, political views, relationships, religious beliefs and spirituality, including convictions of non-belief.

The standard includes enabling young people to increase the sense of their own value through self-awareness and to build their self-esteem. It facilitates young people to think critically about the values and beliefs they hold, how they have acquired these and to understand the positive and negative effects these may have on their lives and the lives of others.

As youth work strives to make an active contribution to the development of a society with different characteristics and diverse views, the exploration of values and beliefs must be conducted within the context of promoting good relations and equality of opportunity for all.

This standard is suitable for all youth work practitioners. It can be interpreted and applied as appropriate to the context in which youth workers operate and it is not intended to be restrictive or exclusive.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ask young people what is meant by 'values' and 'beliefs' and what they think the connections and differences may be between them
  2. inform young people about the role of nature, nurture, context and community in the development of 'values' and 'beliefs'
  3. check that the environment within which the exploration takes place is safe and appropriate for yourself and the young people, following organisational procedures
  4. discuss with young people the choices they can make regarding their values and beliefs
  5. provide young people with examples of how you share your understandings of values and beliefs without imposing these upon others
  6. meet the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. what is meant by `values and beliefs', and why it is important to encourage young people to explore their own values and beliefs
  2. the importance of building trust with young people in order to have conversations about values and beliefs, and how to establish trust
  3. values and beliefs, and other external factors that young people may encounter that can influence their own values and beliefs
  4. differing contexts, cultures and perspectives regarding values operating within young people's communities, in wider society and nationally
  5. the relationship between values, beliefs and behaviour
  6. techniques and activities which encourage young people to become more self-aware and recognise their self-image
  7. the potential effects and consequences of positive or negative self-image, and self-esteem
  8. the potential effects and consequences of dealing with endings and deaths
  9. the importance of respecting the right of a young person to hold a view of the world and themselves
  10. activities and techniques that can provide young people with a sense of success and self-worth
  11. the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

CLD Standards Council

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Youth Workers

SOC Code



Youth; young people; diversity; values; beliefs; explore; respect; trust; selfimage; self-esteem; self-confidence; participation; strengths; behaviours; successes; spirituality; conviction; non-belief; resilience