Develop and maintain productive working relationships in collaboration with colleagues, agencies and stakeholders for youth work

Business Sectors (Suites): Youth Work
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about developing productive working relationships with others who have an interest in, or are engaged in, organisational activities related to youth work. It is about collaborative working with others in order to share resources to improve youth work provision and provide the best possible opportunities for young people in the community.

It involves being aware of the roles, responsibilities, interests and concerns of colleagues, agencies and stakeholders and working with and supporting them in various ways. The need to monitor and review the productiveness of working relationships with colleagues, agencies and stakeholders is a key part of this standard.

In the context of this standard, as well as colleagues, agencies and stakeholders, 'others' can include external partners as well as local, national or global communities of interest or practice.

This standard is suitable for all youth work practitioners.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. establish working relationships with colleagues, partners and stakeholders
  2. establish and agree with other organisations shared aims to benefit young people, and develop coordinated approaches to improving opportunities for young people towards these
  3. agree with colleagues, agencies and stakeholders, the actions for everyone to take to enhance the working relationship
  4. agree the working arrangements, schedule and responsibilities for undertaking the shared actions
  5. provide information to others in accordance with  organisational procedures
  6. consult with others when making key decisions and when undertaking youth work activities
  7. fulfil agreements made with others and revise these agreements so that they remain current
  8. agree key performance measures and methods for monitoring and evaluating the agreed actions
  9. monitor and review the productiveness of working relationships with others, seeking and providing feedback, in order to identify areas for improvement
  10. meet the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the value and benefit of developing productive working relationships with others
  2. principles and tools of effective communication and how to apply them with other organisations, communities and individuals
  3. why it is important to recognise and respect the roles, responsibilities, and interests of colleagues and stakeholders
  4. the relevant agencies, partners and stakeholders and the nature of their interest in your organisation performance or activities
  5. who from the relevant agencies, partners and stakeholders can provide information and take action towards improving opportunities for young people, their structures, and who to contact there when considering both strategic and operational issues
  6. developments, issues and concerns of importance to stakeholders in youth work and how to recognise these
  7. why you must take into account the culture and values of other organisations, particularly in relation to their priorities in relation to working with young people
  8. the issues, needs and aspirations of young people within the community relevant to developing opportunities for young people, including enhancing youth work provision
  9. the importance of monitoring wider developments in relation to stakeholders and how to do so effectively
  10. current and emerging political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal developments in youth work
  11. how to identify and agree what information is appropriate and legal to provide to others, and organisational requirements for sharing information
  12. your organisation's and legal procedures regarding confidentiality, data protection and reportable disclosures
  13. how to identify conflicts of interest and disagreements and techniques to adopt to manage or remove them
  14. the importance of effective networks, and of long and medium-term planning in maintaining effective contacts at other organisations
  15. how to delegate responsibilities and allocate resources when building networks
  16. why communication regarding fulfilment of agreements or any problems affecting or preventing fulfilment is important
  17. mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of working relationships with others
  18. how to obtain, share and use feedback on the effectiveness of working relationships
  19. the legal, organisational, ethical requirements and other codes of practice relevant to working with others and young people including the local, social and political context
  20. the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

CLD Standards Council

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Youth Workers

SOC Code



Youth; young people; facilitate; partners; agencies; providers; community; opportunities; activities; development; organisations; information; monitor; measure