Assist young people to learn and engage with the youth work service

Business Sectors (Suites): Youth Work
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 29 Mar 2019


The importance of understanding how young people feel as well as what they know and can do, is one of the values and principles which youth workers are expected to know about and apply in their practice

This standard is about enabling young people to express their aspirations, concerns and development goals. You will also monitor young people's activity to safeguard their well-being. The standard also includes assisting them to prioritise their goals and to agree and realise the support that might be needed.

This standard is suitable for all youth work practitioners.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. agree and prioritise with young people their goals, and outline any options available to them they can choose to help achieve these goals
  2. assist young people to think about the factors and constraints affecting the progress of their agreed options
  3. assess the ongoing activities of young people for learning opportunities which may address their needs
  4. agree with young people the type and amount of support required towards achieving their goals
  5. assist in securing the support agreed, in line with your level of authority and organisational requirements
  6. monitor young people's activity to ensure their physical safety and mental wellbeing and respond appropriately to changes in behaviour
  7. meet the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. methods for establishing rapport with young people
  2. why it is important to make contact with young people on their terms
  3. typical issues and aspirations expressed by young people
  4. sources of assistance relevant to addressing the issues and needs of young people
  5. why it is important to enable young people to identify and to set their own goals, and to develop their own solutions, and methods for facilitating this process
  6. why you should use young people's current activities as the starting point for developing opportunities
  7. informal, formal, learning from experience, communication, critical dialogue and other learning opportunities, and associated resources available
  8. how young people are motivated to achieve their goals
  9. communication styles and techniques effective in developing dialogue with young people
  10. your organisation's guidelines relating to child protection, health and safety, and confidentiality
  11. issues of risk and personal safety, and how to address these
  12. your role and levels of responsibility and who to approach in situations where these might be exceeded
  13. the values and principles underpinning youth work in relation to the requirements of this standard


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

28 Mar 2022





Originating Organisation

CLD Standards Council

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Youth Workers

SOC Code



Youth; young people; goals; options; aspirations; development; needs; express; realise; emotional; skills; value; support; encourage; wellbeing