Form or decorate crafted ceramic items by adding materials
Business Sectors (Suites): Craft,Craft (Ceramics)
Developed by: SDS
Approved on:
This standard covers the skills and knowledge you need to produce ceramic and associated products by adding material (e.g. coiling, adding lattice or sprigging, ornamenting, slip trailing, tube lining).
This standard is suitable for those who are self-employed, working for a sole practitioner or within a workshop or studio.
The following should be considered when working in craft:
Safe working practices
Ethics and sustainability
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
You must be able to:
P1 check that products and equipment meet the required standards before producing products by adding material
P2 secure products as necessary before starting to add material
P3 form and/or decorate products by material removal to the required standard
P4 recognise any difficulties with producing products to the required quantity and quality and correct them, or report difficulties outside your control to the correct person
P5 carry out your work to the required quality and output to meet deadlines
P6 check that products you have formed and/or decorated meet the required standard
P7 identify variations of formed and/or decorated products from the required standard and record them or report them to the correct person
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
You must be able to:
K1 what checks should be carry out before starting to make products
K2 the importance of checking products and materials before you start to form or decorate them
K3 the differences in the ways in which you form and/or decorate simple and complex shapes by adding material?
K4 different types of products produced by adding material
K5 different techniques used to form and decorate products by adding material
K6 what problems can occur as part of the porcess of decorating products by adding material
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
1 Simple shapes
1.1 flatware
2 Complex shapes
2.1 curved/rounded or with awkward angles
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Creative & Cultural Skills
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Artistic and Literary Occupations, Ceramicist, Crafts, Creative Arts and Design
SOC Code
ceramics; craft; adding; coiling; lattice; sprigging; ornamenting; slip trailing; tube lining;