Commission and manage the use of heritage performance

Business Sectors (Suites): Cultural Heritage
Developed by: Creative & Cultural Skills
Approved on: 2022


​This standard is about commissioning and managing the use of heritage performance. Heritage performance can refer to any type of performance for cultural heritage including, but not restricted to, theatre interpretation or performance in or around cultural venues, traditional dance, street performance and parades.

This standard includes planning, developing the brief, commissioning, checking performance against brief, project management, budgeting, and evaluation. It does not include direction or performance skills. 

This standard is for anyone who is responsible for commissioning and managing the use of heritage performance.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​review reliable information about the success and failures of previous instances of heritage performance
  2. identify heritage performance that will meet expected learning and interpretation objectives
  3. develop briefs for heritage performance, ensuring all materials are clearly presented
  4. choose sites and locations for heritage performance that are appropriate and allow maximum visibility
  5. identify budget, resources, and marketing requirements for the successful implementation of heritage performance
  6. commission and brief specialists or contractors to deliver heritage performance
  7. manage budget, resources, and schedule to ensure heritage performance is delivered within agreed parameters
  8. ensure appropriate licensing, contracts and insurance is identified and obtained
  9. put in place activities to market heritage performance to target visitors, audience, or customers in sufficient time to gain desired take up
  10. work with specialists or contractors to check heritage performance outputs against briefs, agreeing and documenting clear information about any required changes and their timescales
  11. make sure all required resources are in place to deliver heritage performance  
  12. brief all relevant staff or volunteers about their role in relation to heritage performance
  13. deliver the event or programme, ensuring high quality customer care throughout
  14. undertake a risk assessment and maintain the security and safety of performers, audience and heritage sites and objects
  15. evaluate heritage performance against learning and interpretation objectives both during and after performance
  16. recommend any modifications to heritage performance that will enhance its effectiveness in the future
  17. ensure all your work is quality assured and approved by relevant people

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​how to access sources of information about heritage performance from both inside and outside of the organisation
  2. how to identify learning and interpretation objectives and agree them with colleagues
  3. what information needs to be included in a brief and how to present it
  4. what to consider when evaluating sites and locations
  5. how to manage budgets, resources, and schedules
  6. commissioning processes within the organisation
  7. the benefits and disadvantages of different marketing approaches in relation to the target audience and who is responsible for carrying them out
  8. how to brief others on heritage performance and what is expected of them
  9. how to ensure licensing, insurance and contracts are in place for the event or programme
  10. how to carry out a risk assessment
  11. the security arrangements that have to be made
  12. how to plan contingencies and prepare for unforeseen circumstances
  13. the organisations customer care requirements and how to work within them
  14. how to evaluate heritage performance both during development and during and after performance
  15. how to record and present modifications to heritage performance
  16. who needs to be involved in quality assuring and approving your work and how and when to consult with them


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative and Cultural Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Archaeology and Archaeological Sciences, Artistic and Literary Occupations, Arts, Media and Publishing, Conservation Associate Professionals, Crafts, Creative Arts and Design, Education and Training, General, Leisure and Travel Service Occupations, Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services, Media and Communication, Performing Arts, Records

SOC Code



commission; manage; cultural heritage; performance; theatre; interpretation; cultural venue; traditional; dance; street performance; parade;