Manage the development of online cultural heritage content
This standard is about managing the development of online cultural heritage content so that appropriate and accurate content to engage, educate and inspire users is presented in the right place and the best format. This can cover a wide range of content outputs such as live online events, engaging collection stories and exhibitions as well as functional and informative online content about organisations and sectors. This could involve working across different platforms and channels to meet functionality and technical requirements.
It includes identifying requirements, defining scope and the role of content, ensuring design, format, structure, functionality, navigational devices and user interface meet user needs, working with subject matter experts and technical specialists, organising usability testing and peer reviews and presenting information to decision makers.
This standard is for anyone who is responsible for managing the development of online cultural heritage content.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- use evidence, data, and research from reliable sources to identify requirements, define scope and articulate the role of content in projects, outputs, and design
- ensure online cultural heritage content can meet both organisational needs and target user needs
- ensure technical aspects are developed by people with appropriate skills and expertise
- engage subject matter experts to create accurate cultural heritage content, working with them to check accuracy of online content during development
- ensure appropriate formats, design and style are chosen to deliver accessible, user-friendly content within identified budgets
- identify designs and formats that optimise target platforms and relevant available technologies
- ensure content, structures, navigational devices, and interface functions are appropriate to target users and product purpose
- ensure functionality of selected platforms or channels meet project requirements
- make sure appropriate review processes are in place to ensure cultural heritage information is accurate and appropriate to be shared by the organisation online
- ensure online cultural heritage content adheres to relevant regulations, codes of practice and organisational policies
- present sufficient information about concepts, design, and functionality to appropriate internal and external stakeholders at key stages during development to enable them to understand and feedback
- test user interfaces with appropriate people to inform content decisions, platform suitability and ensure it meets requirements and expectations
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- sources of evidence, data and research about requirements, scope, target users, context of the work, the role of content and any commercial factors
- the interrelations between content, design and technology including any requirements for localisation **
- skills and expertise required to develop websites, applications and interactive media and the organisational processes for recruitment or outsourcing
- organisational processes for identifying and involving subject matter experts and how to engage them in the process
- relevant standards, conventions, guidelines, and best practice including brand guidelines, editorial guidelines, accessibility guidelines and those relating to user comfort and quality of experience
- the impact of diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, ethics, emotional intelligence, and behavioural psychology on projects
- principles of interaction design including usability, accessibility, and effects on users and how to identify processes, methods and tasks that will improve content accessibility and accuracy
- the capabilities of different platforms and channels including content management systems, virtual learning environments and social media channels and how to keep abreast of changes and developments
- methods of checking technical aspects including optimal use of target platforms and available technologies
- parameters for presenting cultural heritage information online
- user experience principles and methods, when user testing should be carried out, who should be involved and how to use results to inform projects
- how to structure content in a logical and consistent manner
- levels of detail about concepts, design and functionality required by decision makers including the benefits and use of taster materials