Deliver safe arts leadership
This standard is about ensuring that you are able to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of yourself and participants including the safeguarding before and after a session.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 identify the specific needs of your participants and determine what you will do to meet their needs
P2 structure sessions for safe and effective delivery to participants that ensures their well being and sets appropriate goals
P3 facilitate a safe and effective environment that puts individuals at ease
P4 undertake relevant risk assessment procedures and manage risk appropriately
P5 establish ground rules for equality, respects and safety of participants and yourself in your arts sessions
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 the importance of observation of participants to assess safe and effective practice
K2 the importance of establishing ground rules with participants
K3 how to assess, respond and be flexible to your participants needs within the session
K4 how to consider the wellbeing of participants in your session
K5 where to obtain additional support for your practice K6 how to take responsibility for your wellbeing
K7 how to undertake a risk assessment and manage risks appropriately
K8 relevant ethical, legal and professional responsibilities in an arts environment