Establish plans and monitor policy implementation

Business Sectors (Suites): Archaeological Practice
Developed by: SDS
Approved on: 2012


This standard is for archaeologists who are responsible for the implementation of new policies in any occupational context within the profession. It is necessary to plan for the successful implementation of new policies and to promote the process of implementation. The process should be monitored and the effects of the new policy should be evaluated. 

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Establish plans for the implementation of policies and proposals 

P1 identify relevant objectives for implementation of policies and proposals 

P2 identify and assess programme factors and time constraints accurately and realistically 

P3 define and communicate the respective roles of affected parties with realistic time limits set for achievement 

P4 ensure that organisational arrangements and procedures to maximise the co-operation and participation of all parties are initiated and implemented 

P5 accurately identify control requirements and procedures for policy implementation 

P6 prepare and present to interested parties in an agreed format, an operational plan for implementation which identifies accurately relevant constraints and parameters 
Promote policy implementation 

P7 establish and implement a plan for promoting and effecting the introduction of policy for the historic environment 

P8 communicate policy requirements to all interested parties using appropriate strategies 

P9 ensure that likely targets of positive support for policy changes are identified and appropriate contacts are made in a manner which is likely to enlist goodwill 

P10 encourage supporters of policy change to agree to clear statements of need for, and nature of, changes and improvements 

P11 ensure that potential resistance to policy change is identified and appropriate contacts made to identify and answer concerns and minimise opposition 
Develop support arrangements for implementation 

P12 identify the need for incentives to support policy implementation 

P13 collect and evaluate data to identify most appropriate type(s) of incentive against appropriate criteria

P14 calculate resource implications of introducing incentives P15 identify available resources for incentives and potential funding bodies 

P16 prioritise incentive requirements accurately having regard to priorities for the historic environment, time constraints and availability of resources 

P17 ensure that bids for resources which are sufficient to meet prioritised incentive requirements are made to funding bodies and justified

P18 ensure that an appropriate audit system which is capable of identifying breaches of conditions and potential and actual fraud is developed, implemented and monitored 
Monitor and evaluate the effects of policies and operations 

P19 identify aspects of the historic environment which may be affected by proposed policies and operations 

P20 identify the effects to be monitored are and prioritise those with the most likely impact 

P21 identify appropriate and realistic evaluation criteria 

P22 develop a suitable monitoring system which is capable of generating valid and reliable data about each identified effect

P23 ensure that the monitoring system is implemented and reliable data are gathered regularly and monitored 

P24 ensure that information collected is summarised, evaluated realistically and justifiable conclusions are drawn and presented in a suitable format for decision making 

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

​K1 how to identify relevant objectives for implementation of policies and proposals 

K2 how to identify and assess programme factors 

K3 how to identify and assess required resources

K4 how to define and communicate roles of parties 

K5 how to initiate and implement organisational arrangements and procedures to maximise co- operation and participation of all parties 

K6 how to identify controlling requirements and procedures for policy implementation 

K7 how to identify and present relevant constraints and parameters 

K8 programme factors affecting time period requirements and presenting constraints 

K9 types of resource requirement

K10 roles of parties 

K11 types of organisational arrangement and procedure 

K12 control requirements and procedures for policy implementation 

K13 types of constraint and parameter which are likely to arise 

K14 how to establish and implement plans for promoting and effecting introduction of policy 

K15 how to communicate, enlist support for and minimise opposition to policy requirements using appropriate strategies 

K16 types of communication strategy appropriate to you work

K17 how to identify, and assess incentive requirements 

K18 how to calculate, justify and prioritise incentive requirements

K19 how to develop and implement audit and monitoring systems 

K20 the types of incentive that may be appropriate 

K21 the criteria for evaluation 

K22 appropriate audit systems

 K23 types of resource and funding bodies

K24 aspects of the environment which may be affected by policies and operations 

K25 how to prioritise effects with the most likely impact 

K26 how to identify and apply appropriate and realistic evaluation criteria 

K27 how to develop and implement monitoring systems capable of generating valid and reliable data 

K28 how to justify conclusions drawn from information collected 

K29 the known impact of different environmental effects 

K30 appropriate types of evaluation criteria 

K31 types and purposes of monitoring systems


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Creative and Cultural Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Archaeology and Archaeological Sciences, Conservation Officer

SOC Code


Archaeology; Archaeological Practice; Heritage; Conservation;