Develop estimates and tenders for electrotechnical projects
This unit is for you if you are responsible for developing estimates and tenders.
This unit is about ensuring that accurate information is obtained in order to develop and submit estimates and the completed tender. It involves considering quantities of materials, plant and labour that will be required. It involves approaching potential external providers of materials, plant and labour and asking them to submit costs for the same if necessary. It is also about considering potential problems that could occur in relation to the delivery of materials, plant and labour. It also involves storing and recording relevant information and ensuring that adequate administrative procedures are in place for each stage in the estimating and tendering process.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- ensure that sufficient organisational resources are available to meet the tender deadline in accordance with the project
- plan the preparation of the tender and collate all necessary information prior to commencement
- assess the status and financial viability of the potential client and suppliers in accordance with the practices of your organisation
- use the information provided by the potential client to identify the sequence of work and the types of plant, labour and materials required for the project.
- assess the potential cost of plant, labour and material requirements and their availability against the requirements of the project
- apply the organisation's estimating systems to estimate the quantities of plant, labour and materials in relation to the requirements of the project
- establish the costs of plant, labour and materials derived from potential sources in accordance with the requirements of the project
- establish the estimated cost for each activity in accordance with the requirements of the project
- incorporate the requirements for a method statement and risk assessments into the tender
- seek clarification from the relevant person(s) where there are potential problems with the tender information provided
- finalise total estimated costs in accordance with the procedures of your organisation
- make commercially confidential information, held in any format, available only to authorised person(s)
- confirm that the information contained within the completed estimate is accurate and represents your organisation in a professional manner
- finalise and distribute promptly the completed estimate to the relevant person(s) for authorisation, adjudication and submission as a tender bid in accordance with organisational procedures
- present the tender information in a manner most likely to achieve acceptability
- record and store all relevant information used in the tender preparation
- monitor the progress of the tender and check if further information is required
- review the tendering process to establish areas for improvement within your organisation
- seek feedback where the tender was unsuccessful and record and communicate the explanation to the relevant person
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. the deadline for submission of the tender
2. the resources , including information technology software that are available to your organisation for the purposes of tendering
3. how to evaluate whether these resources will be sufficient
4. the organisation's schedule of work and its implications for the tender
5. if appropriate, how to assess the status and financial viability of the potential client and suppliers in accordance with the practices of your organisation
6. the information to be included within the tender
7. how to prepare a schedule of work
8. how to assess plant, labour and materials required in accordance with the following factors:
- types required
- availability
- cost
- quantity
- your organisation's estimating systems
- the requirements of the tender
9. how to obtain competitive costings of plant, labour and materials derived from potential sources in accordance with the requirements of the project
10. delivery times of plant, labour and materials
11. the implications of lead times, extended delivery dates and required completion times
12. to whom you address queries relating to the tender information
13. how to incorporate the requirements of method statements and risk assessments into the organisation's schedule of work to meet the project requirements
14. the implications of the requirement of method statements and risk assessments within the tender specification
15. what is commercially confidential information and who is permitted to view it
16. who needs to authorise the tender bid and submission of the tender bid
17. organisational procedures for recording and storing information used in tender preparation
18. how to confirm with the relevant person(s) those contractual and legal issues which may affect the project
19. how to monitor the progress of the tender and check if further information is required
20. how to advise the relevant person(s) of problems relating to extended delivery dates
21. how to review the tendering process to establish areas for improvement within your organisation
22. from whom you should obtain feedback and to whom it should be communicated
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge