Design and Determine the Positioning, Fitting and Fixing of Electrical Wiring Systems, Wiring, Enclosures, Accessories & Equipment In Dwellings

Business Sectors (Suites): Electrotechnical
Developed by: BSE Skills
Approved on: 2019


This standard is for those confirming the preparation to undertake electrical installation work in a dwelling. They will implement and/or monitor safe working practices. This includes confirming that the work site is safe to start work and that it remains safe during work and is safe on completion of the job.

This standard is about the ensuring the correct positioning, fitting and fixing of electrical wiring systems, wiring, enclosures, accessories & equipment in dwellings in accordance with safe work practices.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1.    confirm authorisation to start work in accordance with accepted indu**strial practices and procedures, including where necessary relevant personnel, has been administered

2.    confirm before work starts that the building structure and fabric has been checked for risks to health and safety and the work to be carried out will not cause damage to the structure or fabric of the dwelling

3.    endorse at the outset, that the installation design and plans for positioning and fixing the identified wiring systems, wiring enclosures, electrical equipment and accessories meet the specification

4.    identify any variances in the working conditions which might impact on the work to take place and comply with the approved procedures for:

  • reporting
  • recording
  • taking corrective action.

5.    identify whether or not the appropriate tools and equipment to carry out the work are safe and fit for purpose.

6.    identify that the wiring systems, wiring enclosures, electrical equipment and accessories are:

  • of the right type
  • fit for purpose in accordance with the electrical installation's design and specification
  • suitable for the working environment

7.    identify that fixing and fitting methods are fit for purpose and appropriate for the site structure and building fabric, and meet the requirements of the specification

8.    confirm that all appropriate manufacturers' instructions have being adhered to in the use and preparation of:

  • wiring systems,
  • wiring enclosures,
  • electrical equipment and accessories

9.    liaise with, as appropriate, all technical and non-technical persons visiting or present at the site in a professional manner

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the plans/specification for the electrical installation work and what is required
  2. the common types, their advantages and limitations of wiring systems, wiring enclosures, electrical equipment and accessories
  3. the materials which are recommended for use as electrical conductors and insulators
  4. determining sizes, types and quantities of wiring systems, wiring enclosures, electrical equipment and accessories
  5. the importance of having a schedule of quantities of all materials for the electrical installation
  6. determining whether a wiring system, wiring enclosure, electrical equipment and accessories for an electrical installation in "Dwellings" are suitable and fit for purpose
  7. determining the suitability of fixing methods to building fabric in the environment of the installation
  8. the advantages and limitations of tools and equipment used for the positioning and fixing of wiring systems, wiring enclosures, electrical equipment and accessories
  9. the effects of installing into unknown building fabric
  10. your legal responsibilities for health and safety as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Electricity At Work Regulations and all other relevant rules, regulations, standards and safe working practices appropriate to working in "Dwellings"
  11. the importance of handling wiring systems, wiring enclosures, electrical equipment and accessories in the correct manner


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Electrical Trades

SOC Code



Electrical installation; Dwellings and Business Premises with a common electrical supply; Houses; Flats; Shops; Public houses; Wiring; Building Regulations;