Interconnection of communications cables and equipment

Business Sectors (Suites): Communication Technology Practitioners and Professionals
Developed by: BSE Skills
Approved on: 2022


This standard is for those who create connections from communications cables to other communications cables and/or equipment as part of network systems. 

Those undertaking this work must be able to comply with the organisational procedures and methods for interconnecting communications cables, accessories and components in accordance with the current versions of the relevant industry standards and regulations, the specification, industry recognised working practices, the working  environment and the natural environment. 

They must know and understand the different types of cables, connections, systems, equipment, accessories and components, their limitations, applications and the techniques for their positioning, fitting, fixing and connection.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1.    access current information about the work requirement, as it applies to the interconnection of communications cables and equipment, from relevant documentation and other sources of information

2.    confirm before the work commences that the work location and area can be accessed safely and has been checked for risks to all personnel on the site, and take the required action if a risk is identified

3.    produce a risk assessment and method statement for the work to be undertaken including the identification and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

4.    verify that the job information and documentation are current and that the plant, instruments, access equipment and tools are fit for purpose

5.    confirm with the relevant others

  • the work to be undertaken
  • the relevant procedures for amending diagrams and drawings
  • the variations to the planned programme of work that may have the potential to introduce a hazard and/or impact 
  • the correct actions to be undertaken to confirm that any variations to the planned programme of work will not introduce a hazard and have minimum impact on the installation work

6.    select the required communications cables, equipment, components and accessories and confirm that they are:

  • of the correct type and size
  • fit for purpose in accordance with the system design

7.    confirm at the start of the job, that the plans for interconnecting communications cables, equipment, components and accessories are in accordance with:

  • the Network system design
  • manufacturer instructions

8.    comply with industry practices and organisational procedures to confirm the co-ordination of site services and the activities of other trades

9.    identify the correct means of electrical isolation prior to commencing the interconnection of communications cables and equipment

10.  complete safe-isolation as and when required to confirm the safe interconnection of communications cables and equipment

11.   inspect and test the cords and jumpers are of the required construction in terms of insulation, mechanical strength and protection, and confirm that they are identified correctly in accordance with the job requirements

12.  use the required connection techniques to interconnect cables to cables/or equipment in accordance with the requirements of:

  • the Network system design
  • recognised industry methods
  • the manufacturer instructions

13.  inspect the interconnections to confirm alignment with specification and manufacturer instructions and confirm that cable systems are identified correctly in accordance with industry practice

14.  test the performance of the interconnections for alignment with the installation specification

15.  complete the specified interconnection of communications cables and equipment in accordance with industry recognised methods and practices

16.  provide relevant information to relevant others about the interconnection of communications cables and equipment in terms of:

  • use, safety and control
  • hand over to the customer/client
  • any variations to the original system and/or its equipment
  • customer/client acceptance of the completed work in accordance with organisational procedures
  • relevant documentation being completed and recorded in the appropriate information systems in accordance with organisational procedures

17.  complete and safely store all relevant documentation in accordance with organisational requirements

18.  deal promptly and effectively with any problems within the scope and limitations of your own competence, responsibilities and accountability and report those which cannot be solved

19.  implement organisational procedures for the safe transport and/or disposal of waste materials, substances and liquids in accordance with suppliers' and manufacturers' instructions and relevant legislation

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1.    the current legislation, standards, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols which are relevant to your work practice and to which you must adhere 

2.    the scope and limitations of your own competence, responsibilities and accountability as it applies to your job role

3.    the principles and practice of  network systems including their operation, applications, advantages and limitations

4.    the site access requirements

5.    how to produce a risk assessment and method statement for the work to be undertaken including the identification and use of personal protective equipment (PPE), in accordance with:

  • the Network system design
  • organisational procedures

6.    how to confirm that the job information and documentation is current and that the plant, instruments, access equipment and tools are fit for purpose

7.    the applications, advantages and limitations of the different types of personal protective equipment used when interconnecting communications cables, equipment, components and accessories

8.    the applications, advantages and limitations of the different types of communications cables, equipment, components and accessories

9.    the industry recognised methods for determining the type and size of interconnecting communications cables, equipment, components and accessories

10.  how to interpret diagrams and drawings for the Network system to locate site services

11.  how to interpret diagrams and drawings for the Network system to identify the planned location of the communications cables, equipment, components and accessories

12.  the principles and practice of Network systems, equipment, components and accessories including their operation, applications, advantages and limitations

13.  the industry recognised methods for determining the type, size and rating of communications  cables, associated  equipment, accessories and components in relation to the  Network system's design

14.  how and when to inspect and test the cords and jumpers are of the required construction in terms of insulation, mechanical strength and protection, and ensure confirm that they are identified correctly and clearly in accordance with the requirements of the specification can't assess clearly

15.  the different methods and techniques for interconnecting cables, associated equipment, accessories and components in accordance with:

  • the Network system design
  • manufacturer instructions

16.  the termination techniques for communication cables

  • how to prepare cables for jointing and termination
  • how to prepare termination equipment
  • labelling requirements for installed components
  • how to terminate cables
  • how to identify and cross-connect cables (to cables/equipment)

17.  the testing techniques for communications cables

  • how to prepare and configure test equipment
  • how and when to undertake the required tests on communications cables
  • how to record and document all test information
  • the performance criteria for the cables under test
  • the different types and methods of joining and connecting communications cables

18.  confirm the working functionality of equipment with relevant others

19.  the methods and techniques for interconnecting communications cables, equipment, components and accessories in accordance with:

  • the Network system design
  • recognised industry methodology
  • manufacturer instructions

20.  when and how to apply the correct procedures for safe isolation

21.  the relevant procedures for amending diagrams and drawings whose procedures Organisation/Network?

22.  the organisational procedures for confirming with the relevant others the required actions to be taken to confirm that any variations to the planned programme of work will not introduce a hazard and have minimum negative impact on the installation work to be undertaken

23.  the organisational procedures for:

  • communicating the use, safety and control of the system to relevant others
  • confirming with relevant others those necessary variations to the planned programme of work that may have the potential to introduce a hazard and/or impact on the installation work to be undertaken
  • confirming with relevant others the correct actions to be taken to confirm that any variations to the planned programme of work will not introduce a hazard and have minimum impact on the installation work be undertaken
  • obtaining customer/client acceptance of the installed system and its associated equipment, accessories and components post work activity and how to deal with cases where acceptance is not received
  • the safe transport and/or disposal of any waste material, substances and liquids in accordance with suppliers' and manufacturers' instructions and legislation

24.  how to complete and safely store all relevant documentation in accordance with organisational requirements


Working environments (internal and/or external)

  • domestic
  • non-domestic

    • commercial
    • industrial
    • agricultural
    • horticultural
    • leisure and entertainment
    • residential medical and care facilities
    • public highways and parks
    • public services establishments
    • pre-1919 traditional/historic buildings


  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • Other

Tests for cords/jumpers


  • Continuity tests
  • Visible inspection

    • Damage
    • Cleanliness/contamination
    • Type


  • new build construction – building or structure
  • an existing building or structure (including retro-fit)

Site services

  • electricity
  • water
  • gas
  • oil
  • drainage
  • telecommunications
  • data transmission either underground or overhead

Organisation procedures

  • information management
  • project management
  • risk assessment
  • risk management
  • implementing and monitoring health and safety requirements and issues
  • implementing and monitoring issues relating to the natural environment
  • customer services
  • accident reporting
  • emergencies
  • communication with relevant people 


  • generators
  • transformers for low voltage hand-tools
  • lifting equipment
  • access equipment

Communications cable

  • Copper
  • Fibre Optic

Tools and equipment

  • hand tools
  • power tools
  • testing equipment
  • access equipment
  • accessories
  • components
  • consumables


  • conductance
  • insulation
  • mechanical strength
  • protection

Relevant people

  • customers/clients
  • client representatives
  • supervisors
  • site/contract manager
  • other contractors/trades
  • members of the public
  • work colleagues

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

BSE Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Installation Engineer

SOC Code



Interconnection; communications; cables; equipment