Deliver new housing supply in conjunction with partners
This standard is for you if you work within a housing team of a local authority, housing group or housing association. This role is about using strategic housing market assessments and local strategic housing plans to enable new housing supply in the geographic area you work in. You will work in partnership with stakeholders, partners, house builders and investment partners. The work will involve assessing the financial viability of new developments, and contributing to environmental and design feasibility studies. You will also contribute to the procurement and contracting process.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 work in partnership with local communities, planning and legal departments of local authorities, other stakeholders, investment partners and house builders to deliver plans
P2 work in partnership to design policies which sets out the quality of the development and takes into account mixed housing stock in terms of type, size, affordability, tenure mix and services
P3 ensure design briefs meet relevant legislative, regulatory, environmental and sustainable requirements for affordable housing and provides adequate infrastructure and support services
P4 identify land which has been assigned development status
P5 in conjunction with relevant finance teams undertake a financial appraisal of developments to assess financial viability, i.e., calculate affordable housing rents, build costs and service charge costs
P6 contribute to the identification of risk involved in new scheme developments, and identify their potential impact and interdependencies, following agreed risk management policies and procedures
P7 contribute to the tendering process for contracts and ensure that procurement is according to organisational and current legal requirements
P8 work with the local authority planning team to secure planning permission
P9 engage with the local community on all aspects of the development plan
P10 monitor the scheme development in conjunction with partners
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 relevant building regulations, efficiency and environmental standards in relation to new builds and affordable housing
K2 different types of tenures and housing types
K3 what constitutes a design brief and sustainable design principles and practice
K4 the housing market, i.e., how to identify land which has been designated for development, land values and how to acquire land
K5 rules on affordable housing grants within your area of operation
K6 how to calculate affordable housing rents, build costs and on-going service charges
K7 how to assess the financial viability of schemes and how to present the information
K8 the relevant financial markets and how they work, the different types of commercial funding products, and the companies that supply such products
K9 who to contact within own and partner organisations to seek expert advice
K10 what government funding is available and how to access housing grants for the country you operate in
K11 how to identify risks and independencies and your organisation’s risk strategy and policies
K12 the organisation’s tendering and procurement policies and processes
K13 relevant planning regulations and procedures
K14 how to engage with the local community
K15 methods for monitoring the development of schemes
K16 keep up to date with relevant government housing legislation, policy and strategy frameworks for the country you operate in