Engage participants in arts activities
This standard is about engaging your participants in arts activities with an ability to apply a variety of approaches that balances the needs of individuals and the group as a whole.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 identify the required, desired and potential outcomes and outputs for the arts activity
P2 engage the participants in a creative process, adapting and developing your approach based on your observation of the way they engage with the activity
P3 support the creative and imaginative ideas of participants through arts activities
P4 communicate appropriately and clearly to all participants
P5 provide reflective opportunities for participants
P6 provide participants with accurate, specific and constructive feedback
P7 use appropriate means for gauging the effectiveness of the activity
P8 identify, propose or facilitate development opportunities for participants where appropriate
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
K1 different strategies to enable participants to engage in the art they are undertaking
K2 how to develop an inclusive and supportive atmosphere
K3 how to present yourself as a professional
K4 the principles of person-centred approaches
K5 methods to develop collective decision making in making art together
K6 how to draw out, develop and structure imaginative ideas of the participants
K7 the role of other professional workers in understanding how to support individuals and the group
K8 the principles and application of reflective practice and giving feedback